81. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal operations in the computer and controls how the computer works well all its parts?
  A.  Application software
  B.  Shareware
  C.  Operating system software
  D.  Public domain software
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82. A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called
  A.  Compiler
  B.  Computer
  C.  Interpreter
  D.  Operating system
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83. An operating system is a/an
  A.  System software
  B.  Communications software
  C.  Application software
  D.  Utility software
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84. Every computer has a(n) ____________________, many also have ___________________.
  A.  Application programs; An operating system
  B.  Operating system; Application programs
  C.  Operating system; Instruction sets
  D.  Operating system; A client system
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85. The main purpose of ……… is to resolve references among files.
  A.  Antivirus
  B.  Text editor
  C.  Loader
  D.  Linker
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86. Specialised program that allows user to utilise in specific application is classified as
  A.  Application program
  B.  Relative program
  C.  Logical program
  D.  Replicate program
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87. . .......... is a software which is used to do particular task.
  A.  Data software
  B.  Operating system
  C.  Application software
  D.  Program
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88. Application software
  A.  is designed to help programmers
  B.  performs specific task for computer users
  C.  is used to control the operating system
  D.  is used for making design only
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89. The software that is used to create text-based documents are referred to as ………
  A.  Spreadsheets
  B.  Presentation software
  C.  DBMS
  D.  Word processors
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90. DTP is a tool for graphic designers and non-designers to create visual communications for professional. DTP stands for
  A.  Device Transfer Programs
  B.  Device Transfer Protocol
  C.  Desktop Publishing
  D.  Desktop Printing
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