231. To select entire row, which shortcut is used?
  A.  Shift + space
  B.  Ctrl + space
  C.  Alt + space
  D.  None of these
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232. Which of the following is a DBMS software?
  A.   Excel
  B.   Access
  C.   PowerPoint
  D.   Word
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233. How many types of relationships are there in MS-Access?
  A.  6
  B.  3
  C.  4
  D.  5
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234. What is the default size of the data type in MS-Access ?
  A.  50
  B.  60
  C.  80
  D.  70
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235. Which is the short key to invoke the spell checker in MS-Access?
  A.  F2
  B.  F7
  C.  F4
  D.  F3
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236. We can’t make query by Insert menu?
  A.  True
  B.  False
  C.  Cannot say
  D.  Sometimes
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237. A template is a
  A.  heading
  B.  title
  C.  theme
  D.  pattern of worksheet
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238. E-mail client is the feature of
  A.  MS-Word
  B.  MS-Access
  C.  MS-Outlook
  D.  MS-PowerPoint
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239. A computer checks the …… of username and password for a match before granting access.
  A.  website
  B.  database
  C.  network
  D.  backup file
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240. A collection of interrelated records is called a
  A.  database
  B.  utility file
  C.  management information system
  D.  spreadsheet
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