101. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral.AB and DC when produced meet at P,if PA= 8cm,PB=6 cm,PC=4cm, then the length (in cm) of PD is
  A.  8 cm
  B.  6cm
  C.  10cm
  D.  12cm
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102. In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, the side AB is extended to a pointX.If ∠XBC=82° and ∠ADB=47°,then the value of angle;BDC is :
  A.  40°
  B.  35°
  C.  30°
  D.  25°
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103. ABCD is a quadrilateral of which AB is the diameter.Diagonals AC and BD intersects at E.If∠=35°,then ∠AED measures
  A.  35°
  B.  45°
  C.  55°
  D.  90°
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104. ABCD is a cyclic trapezium whose sides AD and BC are parallel to each other.If ∠ABC=75° then the measure of ∠BCD is
  A.  75°
  B.  95°
  C.  45°
  D.  105°
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105. ABCD is a cyclic trapezium with AD||BC.If ∠-105° ,then other three angles are
  A.  ∠B=75°,∠C=75°,∠D= 105°
  B.  ∠B=105°,∠C=75°,∠D=75°
  C.  ∠=75deg;,∠C=105°,∠75°
  D.  ∠B=105°,∠C=105°,∠D= 75°
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106. Two equal circles of radius 4 cm intersect each other such that each passes through the centre of the other.The length of the common chord is :
  A.  2√3cm
  B.  4√3cm
  C.  2√2cm
  D.  8cm
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107. The length of a chord of a circle is equal to the radius of the circle. The angle whcich this chord subtends in the major segment of the circle is equal to
  A.  30°
  B.  45°
  C.  60°
  D.  90°
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108. AB =8 cm and CD= 6 cm are two parallel chords on the same distance between them is 1 cm.The radius of the circle is
  A.  5cm
  B.  4cm
  C.  3cm
  D.  2cm
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109. The length of the common chord of two intersecting circles is 24 cm.If the diameter of the circles are 30cm and 26cm,then the distance between the centre(in cm) is
  A.  13
  B.  14
  C.  15
  D.  16
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110. Two parallel chords are drawn in a circle of diameter 30cm.The length of one chord is 24cm and the distance between the two chords is 21 cm. The length of the other chord is
  A.  10cm
  B.  18cm
  C.  12cm
  D.  16cm
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