111. A chord AB of a circle C1 of radius (√3+1)cm touches a circle C2 which is concentric to C1. If the radius of C2 is (√-1) cm. the length of AB is :
  A.  24√3
  B.  8√3cm
  C.  44√3cm
  D.  4√3cm
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112. Chords AB and CD of a circle intersects at E and are perpendicular to each others. Segments AE,EB and ED are of length 2cm,6cm and 3cm respectively. Then the length of the diameter of the circle(in cm) is
  A.  √65
  B.  1/2√65
  C.  65
  D.  65/2
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113. AB is the chord of a circle with centre O and DOC is a line segment originnating form a point D on the circle and intersecting AB produced at C such that BC= OD.If ∠BCD=20°, then ∠AOD =?
  A.  20°
  B.  30°
  C.  40°
  D.  60°
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114. In a circle of radius 17cm,two parallel chords of length 30cm and 16cm are drawn.If both the chords are n the same side of the centre, then the distance between the chords is
  A.  9cm
  B.  7cm
  C.  23cm
  D.  11cm
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115. Two circles touch each other internally.Their radii are 2cm and 3cm.The biggest chord of the greater circle which is outside the inner circle is of length
  A.  2√2cm
  B.  3√2cm
  C.  2√3cm
  D.  4√2cm
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116. N is the foot of the perpendicular from a point P of a circle with radius 7cm, on a diameter AB of the circle.If the length of the chord PB is 12 cm, the distance of the point N from the point B is
  A.  6
5 / 7
  B.  12
2 / 7
  C.  3
5 / 7
  D.  10
2 / 7
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117. If two concentric circles are of radii 5cm and 3cm,then the length of the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle is
  A.  6cm
  B.  7cm
  C.  10cm
  D.  8cm
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118. If the chord of a circle is equal to the radius of the circle,then the angle subtended by the chord at a point on the minor arc is
  A.  150°
  B.  60°
  C.  120°
  D.  30°
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119. For a triangle circumcentre lies on one of its sides.The triangle is
  A.  right angled
  B.  obtused angled
  C.  isosceles
  D.  equilateral
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120. In a right angled triangle,the circumcentre of the triangle lies
  A.  Inside the triangle
  B.  Outside the triangle
  C.  On midpoint of the hypotenuse
  D.  on one vertex
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