131. AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle lying on the opposite side of the centre and the disntance between them is 17cm.Then length of AB and CD are 10cm and 24cm repectively.The radius(in cm) of the circle is:
  A.  13
  B.  9
  C.  18
  D.  15
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132. In a circle with centre O,AB and CD are two diameters perpendicular to each other.The length of chord AC is
  A.  2AB
  B.  √2AB
1 / 2
1 / √2
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133. In a circle with centre atO(O,o) and radius 5cm,AB is a chord of length 8cm.If OM is perpendicular to AB,then the length of OM is:
  A.  2.5cm
  B.  3cm
  C.  4cm
  D.  1cm
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134. An arc of 30° in one circle is double an arc in a second circle,the radius of which is three times the radius of the first.Then the agnles subtended by the arc of the second circle at its centre is
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135. In a circle, a chord,5√2cm long,makes a right angle at the centre.Then the length of the radius of the circle will be
  A.  2.5cm
  B.  5cm
  C.  7.5cm
  D.  10cm
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136. Two parallel chords of lengths 40 cm and 48cm are drawn in a be the distance between the two chords?
  A.  8cm
  B.  15cm
  C.  22cm
  D.  either 8cm or 22cm
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137. If the length of a chord of a circle is equal to that of the radius of the circle,then the angle subtended,then the angle subtended, in radians,at the centre of the circle by the chord is
  A.  1
π / 2
π / 3
π / 4
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138. Chord PQ is the perpendicular bisector of radius OA of circle with centre O(A is a point on the edge of the circle).If the length of Arc PAQ =2
π / 3.
what is the length of chord PQ?
  A.  2
  B.  √3
  C.  2√3
  D.  1
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139. A chord of length 16cm is drawn in a circle of radius 10cm.The distance of the chord from the centre of the circle is
  A.  8cm
  B.  6cm
  C.  4cm
  D.  12cm
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140. AB is a chord of a circle with O as centre.C is a point on the circle such that OC⊥AB and OC intersects AB at P. If PC= 2 cm and AB=6cm then the diameter of the circle is
  A.  6cm
  B.  6.5cm
  C.  13cm
  D.  12cm
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