121. In △ABC,∠ABC=70°,∠BCA=40°.O is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides,then the angle ∠BOC is
  A.  100°
  B.  120°
  C.  130°
  D.  140°
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122. Two chords of lengths a metre and b metre subtend angles 60° and 90° at the centre of the circle respectively.Which of the following is true?
  A.  b=√2a
  B.  a=√2b
  C.  a=2b
  D.  b=2a
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123. Two chords AB and CD of a circle with centre O,intersect each other at P. If ∠AOD=100° and ∠BOC = 70°,then the value of ∠APC is
  A.  80°
  B.  75°
  C.  85°
  D.  95°
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124. Two circles intersect each other at the points A and B,A strainght line parallel to AB intersects the circles at C,D,E and F.If CD=4.5cm,then the measures of EF is
  A.  1.50cm
  B.  2.25cm
  C.  4.50cm
  D.  9.00cm
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125. Two circles having radii r units intersect each other in such a way that each of them passes through the centre of the other.Then the length of their common chord is
  A.  √2runits
  B.  √3runits
  C.  √5runits
  D.  r units
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126. Two circles with centres A and B of radii 5cm and 3cm respectively touch each other internally. If the perpendicular bisector of AB meets the bigger circle in P and Q,then the value of PQ is
  A.  √6 cm
  B.  2√6
  C.  3√6cm
  D.  4√6 cm
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127. Two parallel chords of a circle of diameter 20cm are 12cm and 16cm long.If the chords are in the same side of the centre,then the distance between them is
  A.  28cm
  B.  2cm
  C.  4cm
  D.  8cm
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128. Let O be the centre of a circle.A and B,C and D are four points on the circumference of the circle in the given order,such that ∠AOC=130°.Then the measure of ∠ABC and ∠ADC are respectively.
  A.  65°,115°
  B.  65°,65°
  C.  115°,65°
  D.  115°,115°
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129. Chords PQ and RS of a circle, when produced,meet at a point O.If PQ=6cm,OQ=8cm and OS=7cm,then length(in cm) of the chord RS is
  A.  10
  B.  12
  C.  16
  D.  9
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130. Two chords of length a unit and b unit of a circle make angles 60° and 90° at the centre of a circle respectively,then the correct relation is
  A.  b =
3 / 2
  B.  b= √2a
  C.  b = 2a
  D.  b = √3a
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