41. ABC is a triangle. The bisectors of the internal angle ∠B and external angle ∠C intersect at D.If ∠BDC = 50°,then ∠A is 100°
  A.  100°
  B.  100°
  C.  100°
  D.  100°
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42. I is the incentre of a triangle ABC.If ∠ABC = 65° and ∠ACB = 55°,then the value of ∠BIC is
  A.  120°
  B.  120°
  C.  120°
  D.  120°
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43. If two angles of a triangle are 21° and 38°, then the triangle is
  A.  Obtuse-angled triangle
  B.  Obtuse-angled triangle
  C.  Obtuse-angled triangle
  D.  Obtuse-angled triangle
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44. The perpendiculars drawn from the vertices to the opposite sides of a triangle sides of a triangle, meet at the point whose name is
  A.  Orthocentre
  B.  Orthocentre
  C.  Orthocentre
  D.  Orthocentre
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45. If AD,BE and CF are medians of △ABC,then which on of the following statements is correct ?
  A.  (AD + BE + CF) < AB + BC + CA
  B.  (AD + BE + CF) < AB + BC + CA
  C.  (AD + BE + CF) < AB + BC + CA
  D.  (AD + BE + CF) < AB + BC + CA
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46. Let O be the in centre of a triangle ABC and D be a point on the side BC of △ABC,such that OD⊥BC.If ∠BOD = 15°,then ∠ABC =
  A.  150°
  B.  150°
  C.  150°
  D.  150°
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47. In triangleABC,PQ is parallel to BC.If AP:PB = 1:2 and AQ = 3cm; AC is equal to
  A.  9cm
  B.  9cm
  C.  9cm
  D.  9cm
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48. In a triangle ABC,AB+BC = 12cm,BC+CA = 14cm and CA+AB = 18cm.Find the radius of the circle ( in cm) which has the same perimeter as the triangle.
  A.  7/2
  B.  7/2
  C.  7/2
  D.  7/2
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49. In a triangleABC,&amg;e;A+∠B = 70° and ∠B+∠C = 130°,value of ∠A is
  A.  50°
  B.  50°
  C.  50°
  D.  50°
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50. If in a △ABC,D and E are on the sides AB and AC ,such that,DE is parallel to BC and AD/BD = 3/5. If AC = 4 cm,then AE is
  A.  1.5 cm
  B.  1.5 cm
  C.  1.5 cm
  D.  1.5 cm
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