91. Which among the following writs comes into the category of public litigation petition before High Court or Supreme Court?
  A.  against a general topic
  B.  against political interference
  C.  a challenge to elections of the office-earers of a political party
  D.  against the decision of Lower Court
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92. Which Writ is issued by a high court or the Supreme Court to compel an authority to perform a function that it was not performing?
  A.  Writ of Quo Warranto
  B.  Writ of Mandamus
  C.  Writ of Habeas Corpus
  D.  Writ of Certiorari
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93. Whic of these is NOT included as Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution?
  A.  Right to Equality before the Law
  B.  Right to Constitutional Remedies
  C.  Right to equal wages for equal work
  D.  Right to Freedom of Speech
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94. Bills of which of the following categories can be initiated only in Lok Sabha?
  A.  Private Members Bill
  B.  Constitution Amendment Bill
  C.  Money Bill
  D.  Ordianry Bill
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95. Which of the following can a cout issue for enforcement of Fundamental Rights?
  A.  A writ
  B.  A decree
  C.  A notification
  D.  An Ordinance
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96. Under the Directive Principles of State Policy, up to what age of the children, they are expected to be provided free and compulsory education?
  A.  15 years
  B.  18 years
  C.  16 years
  D.  14 years
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97. The term secular was addded in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution by
  A.  42nd Amendment
  B.  41st Amendment
  C.  43rd Amendment
  D.  44the Amendment
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98. Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?
  A.  Right to Property
  B.  Right to Equality
  C.  Right to Liberty
  D.  Right against Exploitation
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99. Civil equality implies
  A.  equality before law
  B.  equality of opportunity
  C.  equal right to participate in the affairs of the state
  D.  equal distribution of wealth
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100. Indian Parliament can rename or redefine the boundary of a |State by:
  A.  absolute majority
  B.  2/3rd majority of the members voting and an absolute majority of its total membership
  C.  2/3rd majority of the members voting
  D.  A simple majority
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