111. Evalute the following statements:

The legal interpretation of equality is chiefly influenced by equality before

(I) law and equal protection of law

(II) Equality before law means rule of law

  A.  I correct only
  B.  II correct only
  C.  Both I and II incorrect
  D.  Both I and II correct
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112. By which of the following modes can citizenship be acquired?

(i) By Birth

(ii) Heridity

(iii) By Registration

(iv) By request

  A.  i and ii
  B.  ii and iii
  C.  i, ii and iii
  D.  iv, ii and iii
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113. In which of the folllowing cases, the Supreme Court held that fundamental right are unamendable?
  A.  A. K Gopalan's caser
  B.  Golak Nath's case
  C.  M. C Mehta's case
  D.  Keshvananda Bharti's case
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114. 'Directive Principles' in our Constitution are:
  A.  Non-enforceable in the courts of law
  B.  Quasi-enforceable
  C.  Partly non-enforceable
  D.  Enforceable in the courts of law
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115. The chapter on Fundamental Duties includes:
  A.  Duty to promote the sense of fraternity among the people.
  B.  Duty to vote in General Election
  C.  Duty to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired out freedom movement
  D.  Duty to stick to the political party on whose ticket one contested eletion.
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116. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy?
  A.  Part I
  B.  Part IV
  C.  Part III
  D.  Part V
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117. How many types of writs can be issued by the Supreme Court?
  A.  Two
  B.  Three
  C.  Six
  D.  Five
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118. The Preamble of our Constitution reads India as:
  A.  Soverigh, Democratic, Socialist, Secular Republic
  B.  Scocialist, Democratic, Secular Republic
  C.  Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
  D.  Democratic, Sovereign, Secular, Socialist Repulblic
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119. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in Indian Constitution?
  A.  Supreme Court
  B.  Parliament
  C.  Constitution
  D.  President
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120. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with "Fundamental Right'?
  A.  Part I
  B.  Part III
  C.  Part II
  D.  Part IV
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