311. To be a regional party the minimum percentage of votes, that a party needs to secure in any election is
  A.  2 percent
  B.  3 percent
  C.  4 percent
  D.  5 percent
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312. Rashtrapati Bhawan was designed by
  A.  Edward Stone
  B.  Le Corbusier
  C.  Edwin Lutyens
  D.  Tarun Dutt
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313. Depotism is possible in a
  A.  Two and multi party state
  B.  Two party state
  C.  Multi Party state
  D.  One party state
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314. Who said," A good citizen makes a good State and a bad citizen makes a bad state"?
  A.  Aristotle
  B.  Carpenter
  C.  Lord Bryce
  D.  Appa Dorai
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315. The National Integration Council (NIC) is chaired by the
  A.  Home Minister
  B.  Finance Minister
  C.  Prime Minister
  D.  President of India
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316. The idea of Lokpal is taken from
  A.  Britain
  B.  Scandinavian Countries
  C.  America
  D.  France
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317. Democratic Centralism is an important feature of a
  A.  Socialist state
  B.  Democratic state
  C.  Totalitarian state
  D.  Communist state
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318. Which one of the followoing Committes Report Recommended the establishemnt of the institutions of Lokpal and Lokayukta?
  A.  Ashok Mehta Committee
  B.  Gorwala Report
  C.  First Adminstrative Reforms Committee
  D.  The Appleby Reports
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319. The Women's Reservation Bill seeks how much reservation for women in State assembilies and Lok Sabha?
  A.  33 percent
  B.  35 percent
  C.  25 percent
  D.  40 percent
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320. Which of these statements is correct with regard to appointment of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission?
  A.  He/She has to be a retired Supreme Court Judge
  B.  He/She has to be a retired Chief Justice of India
  C.  He/She has to be a serving/retired Chief Justice of a High Court
  D.  He/She should have demonstrated experience as a Human Rights activist
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