51. The Unitary System of Government possesses which of the following advantages?
  A.  Greater adaptability
  B.  Strong State
  C.  Greater participation by the people
  D.  Lesser chances of authoritarianism
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52. Wchih one of the following is not an element of the State?
  A.  Army
  B.  Government
  C.  Population
  D.  Land
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53. The concept of Sovereign Parliament originated in:
  A.  India
  B.  Japan
  C.  France
  D.  England
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54. Who is considered the Architect of the Indian Constitution?
  A.  Jawaharlal Nehru
  B.  B. N Rao
  C.  B R Ambedkar
  D.  Mahatma Gandhi
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55. The concurrent list in the Indian Constitution is adopted from the Constitution of:
  A.  USA
  B.  Australia
  C.  Germany
  D.  Canada
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56. The mind and ideals of the framers of Constitution are reflected in the
  A.  Directive Principles of State Policy
  B.  Fundamental Rights
  C.  Preamble
  D.  Fundamental Duties
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57. Which of the following is not a feature of Indian Constitution?
  A.  Independence of Judiciary
  B.  Parliamentary form of Government
  C.  Federal Government
  D.  Presidential form of Government
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58. What is the basis of classification of governments as unitary and federal?
  A.  Relationship between legislature and executive
  B.  Relationship between the Centre and States
  C.  Relationship between the legislature, executive and judicial wings of government
  D.  Relationship between executive and judiciary
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59. The state possesses :
  A.  both internal and external sovereignty
  B.  only internal sovereignty
  C.  only external sovereignty
  D.  neither external nor internal sovereignty
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60. The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on:
  A.  Lord Clive's report
  B.  Dimitrov Thesis
  C.  Simon Commission
  D.  Lord Curzon Commission
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