191. What is the maximum strength prescribed for State Legislative Assemblies?
  A.  350
  B.  600
  C.  500
  D.  750
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192. If the Anglo-Indian comunity does not get adequate representation in the Lok Sabha two members o the community can be nominated by the
  A.  Prime Minister
  B.  President in consultation with the parliament
  C.  Speaker
  D.  President
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193. A member of Parliament will lose his membership of Parliament if he is continuously absent form Sessions for:
  A.  60 days
  B.  45 days
  C.  90 days
  D.  30 days
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194. A mid-term poll is conducted when
  A.  an elected member resigns from his seat
  B.  the Lok Sabha is dissolved before completion of its term
  C.  there are discrpancies in voting
  D.  all MP's of a political party resign
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195. Which of the following is not a charged expenditure on the Consolidated Fund of India?
  A.  Debt charges of the Government of India
  B.  Expenditure on the Chairman and Members of the UPSC
  C.  Expenditure on the Judges of the Supreme Court
  D.  Expenditure on Five year plans
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196. Which innovative discussion process is introduced by the Indian parliament to the World Parliamentary system?
  A.  Zero hour
  B.  Question hour
  C.  Resolutions
  D.  Presidential Speech
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197. Can a person who is not a Member of Parliament be appointed as a minister?
  A.  No
  B.  Yes
  C.  Yes, but he has to become a M.P within 6 months of his appointment
  D.  Yes, provided the Parliament approves of such as appointement.
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198. How many persons can be nominated by the president to the Rajya Sabha from among those who have distinguished themselves in art, literature, social service etc.?
  A.  4
  B.  12
  C.  8
  D.  None of the above
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199. In which of the Parliamentary Financial Committees is the Rajya Sabha not represented
  A.  Public Accounts Committee
  B.  Expenditure Committee
  C.  Committee on Public Undertakings
  D.  Estimates Committee
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200. 'Zero Hour' in the working of the Indian Parliament means
  A.  Hour before the Question Hour
  B.  Teh first Hour of the Session
  C.  Interval between Question hour and next Agenda
  D.  When 'Privilege Motion is accepted
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