121. How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian Constitution?
  A.  Twelve
  B.  Nine
  C.  Twenty
  D.  Eleven
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122. Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights during the rule of
  A.  Indira Gandhi Government
  B.  Vajpayee Government
  C.  Morararji Desai Government
  D.  Narasimha Rao Government
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123. Which one of the following fundamental right is available to Indian citizens only?
  A.  Equality before law.
  B.  Protection from discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth
  C.  Protection of life and persoanl liberty against any action without authority of law
  D.  Freedom of religion
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124. Fundamental Duties were added to the Constitution by
  A.  42nd Amendment
  B.  39th Amendment
  C.  24th Amendment
  D.  44th Amendment
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125. No person shall be a citizen of India if he has:
  A.  lived in a foreign country for more than five years
  B.  been convicted y a foreign court of law
  C.  voluntaritly acquired citizenship of another country
  D.  accepted employment in an other country
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126. Right to vote is a
  A.  Political right
  B.  Civil right
  C.  Economic right
  D.  Legal right
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127. What is the status of the Right to Property now?
  A.  Human Right
  B.  Legal Right
  C.  Fundamental Right
  D.  Natural Right
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128. A court enforces enjoyment of a Fundamental Right by issuing
  A.  a decree
  B.  an ordinance
  C.  a notification
  D.  a writ
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129. Political right does nto include which of the following?
  A.  Right to vote
  B.  Right to contest in election
  C.  Right to life
  D.  Right to lodge complaint with executive bodies of the Government
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130. "The Right to Public Office" is a
  A.  Civil right
  B.  Economic right
  C.  Moral right
  D.  Political right
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