81. Who among the following proposed the suggestion for a Constituents Assembly first in 1935?
  A.  Gandhi
  B.  J.P Narayan
  C.  Nehru
  D.  M. N . Roy
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82. From which of the following country Indian Constituttion borrowed the feaute "The written Constitution'?
  A.  USSR
  B.  UK
  C.  USA
  D.  Japan
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83. Name of the country from which the conbstitutional features of procedures for amendment was borrowed by India.
  A.  Britain
  B.  South Africa
  C.  America
  D.  Germany
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84. In which of the following Acts the territorial division of governance in India was done?
  A.  Government of India Act, 1858
  B.  Indian Councils Act, 1861
  C.  Indian Councils Act, 1892
  D.  Government of INdia Act, 1861
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85. By which of the following Act the system of Dyarchy was introduced at the centre?
  A.  1909
  B.  1919
  C.  1935
  D.  1947
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86. In which year the contituent assembly of India started functioning?
  A.  1946
  B.  1947
  C.  1945
  D.  1948
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87. The Constitution ______________.
  A.  restricts a person to remain President for only two terms
  B.  allows re-relection of a person to the President's post
  C.  is silent on the President's re-eletion to the office
  D.  has been amended to allow a person only one term as President
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88. Which of the following Act introduced separate electorates(communal representation) for Muslims?
  A.  Reforms of 1919
  B.  Government of India Act of 1935
  C.  1892 Act
  D.  Act of 1909
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89. Which type of democracy do we follow in India?
  A.  Dictatorship
  B.  Presidentail
  C.  Representative
  D.  Direct
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90. The Constitution of India was framed by:
  A.  Constituent Assembly
  B.  Working Committee
  C.  President
  D.  Planning Commission
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