151. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is the Chief of its Secretariat and is:
  A.  elected by the Lok Sabha
  B.  appointed by the Speaker
  C.  elected by both Houses of Parliament
  D.  appointed by the President
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152. When was zero hour introduced in the parliamentary affaris in India?
  A.  1962
  B.  1952
  C.  1982
  D.  1972
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153. The maximum number of members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha has been fixed by the Constitution of India respectively as
  A.  500 and 250
  B.  525 and 270
  C.  537 and 275
  D.  545 and 250
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154. In order to be recognised as an official oppostion Group in the Parliament how many seats should it have?
  A.  1/3rd of the total strength
  B.  1/4th of the total strength
  C.  1/10th of the total stength
  D.  1/6th of the total strength
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155. Which of the following expressions does not figure in the preamble to the Indian constitution?
  A.  Sovereign Democratic Republic
  B.  Federal
  C.  Socialist
  D.  Secular
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156. Where is the Constitutional power located enabling the Central Government to legislate on cow slaughter?
  A.  Entry 17, List III in Schedule VII-Prevention of Cruelity to Animals
  B.  Residuary Powers under Article 248
  C.  Article 48 in the Directive Principles
  D.  Emergency Powers
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157. Who among the following presides over the Lok Sabha in the absence of Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
  A.  A member appointed by the President
  B.  A member nominated by the members of the parliament present in the House
  C.  A senior most member of the House
  D.  A person from the panel formed by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
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158. Which of the following taxes is exclusively and totally assigned to the Central Government by the Constitution?
  A.  Estate Duty
  B.  Corporation Tax
  C.  Taxes on Railway Fares and Freights
  D.  Sales Tax
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159. When the offices of both the President and Vice President of India are vacant, who will discharge their functions?
  A.  Chief Justice of India
  B.  Chief Minister
  C.  Prime Minister
  D.  The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
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160. Who is eligible to cast the deciding vote over a bill in a joint Parliamentary session?
  A.  Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
  B.  Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
  C.  Speaker of Lok Sabha
  D.  Prime Minister
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