91. A number gets reduced to its one-third when 48 is substracted from it. What is two-third of that number?
  A.  67
  B.  72
  C.  75
  D.  73
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92. If the two digits of the age of Manoj are reversed then the new age so obtained is the age of his wife.
1 / 11
of the sum of their ages is equal to the difference between their ages. If Manoj is elder than his wife then find the difference between their ages.
  A.  9 years
  B.  6 years
  C.  7years
  D.  5 years
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93. A number is greater than the square of 44 but smaller than the square of 45. If one part of the number is the square of 6 and the number is a multiple of 5, then find the number.
  A.  1990
  B.  1970
  C.  1985
  D.  1980
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94. If a number is decreased by 4 and divided by 6 the result is 9. What would be the result if 3 is subtracted from the number and then it is divided by 5?
  A.  13
  B.  15
  C.  11
  D.  17
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95. A two-digit number is seven times the sum if its digits. If each digit is increased by 2, the number thus obtained is 4 more than six times the sum of its digits. Find the number.
  A.  49
  B.  42
  C.  40
  D.  48
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96. The digit in the units place of a number is equal to the digit in the tens place of half of that number and the digit in the tens place of that number is less than the digit in units place of half of the number by 1. If the sum of the digits of the number is seven, then what is the number?
  A.  51
  B.  53
  C.  52
  D.  56
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97. A fraction becomes 4 when 1 is added to both the numerator and denominator, and it becomes 7 when 1 is subtracted from both the numerator and denominator. The numerator of the given fraction is:
  A.  25
  B.  10
  C.  25
  D.  15
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98. If 1 is added to the denominator of a fraction, the fraction becomes
1 / 2
. If 1 is added to the numerator, the fraction becomes 1. The fraction is:
3 / 2
2 / 3
3 / 1
1 / 3
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99. The sum of two numbers is twice their difference. If one of the numbers is 10, the other number is:
  A.  30
  B.  20
  C.  10
  D.  40
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4 / 5
of a certain number is 64. Half of that number is:
  A.  15
  B.  30
  C.  40
  D.  20
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