1 / 4
of a number subtracted from
1 / 3
of the number gives 12. The number is:
  A.  124
  B.  148
  C.  144
  D.  128
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102. If one-fifth of a number decreased by 5 is 5, then the number is:
  A.  10
  B.  20
  C.  30
  D.  50
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103. 11 times a number gives 132. The number is:
  A.  12
  B.  16
  C.  18
  D.  10
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104. A number is 25 more than its
2 / 5
th. The number is:
126 / 3
125 / 3
121 / 3
129 / 3
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105. 24 is divided into two parts such that 7 times the first part added to 5 times the second part makes 146. The first part is:
  A.  17
  B.  19
  C.  11
  D.  13
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106. Three numbers are in the ratio 3:4:5. The sum of the largest and the smallest equals the sum of the third and 52. The smallest number is:
  A.  39
  B.  26
  C.  41
  D.  36
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107. A positive number when decreased by 4, is equal to 21 times the reciprocal of the number. The number is:
  A.  11
  B.  13
  C.  7
  D.  3
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108. The sum of 3 numbers is 68. If the ratio between first and seocnd be 2:3 and that between second and third be 5:3, then the second number is:
  A.  40
  B.  30
  C.  25
  D.  50
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109. The sum of seven numbers is 235. The average of the first three is 23 and that of the last three is 42. The fourth number is:
  A.  60
  B.  20
  C.  30
  D.  40
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110. In a question, divisor is
2 / 3
of the dividend and 2 times the remainder. If the remainder is 5, find the dividend.
  A.  25
  B.  5
  C.  15
  D.  10
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