81. The product of two numbers is 192 and the sum of these two numbers is 28. What is the smaller of these two numbers?
  A.  12
  B.  14
  C.  16
  D.  18
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82. The product of two numbers is 192 and the difference of these two numbers is 4. What is the greater of these two numbers?
  A.  18
  B.  16
  C.  20
  D.  14
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83. If a fraction's numerator is increased by 1 and the denominator is increased by 2 then the fratcion beomces
2 / 3
. But when th3e numerator is increased by 5 and the denominator is increased by 1 then the fraction becomes
5 / 4
. What is the value of the original fraction?
7 / 5
5 / 7
3 / 7
7 / 3
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84. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2 and denominator is increased by 3, the fraction becomes
7 / 9
; and if numerator as well as denominator are decreased by 1 the fraction becomes
4 / 5
. What is the original fraction?
5 / 6
6 / 5
3 / 6
6 / 3
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85. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2 and the denominator is increased by 1, the fraction becomes
5 / 8
and if the numerator of the same fraction is increased by 3 and the denominator is increased by 1 the fraction becomes
3 / 4
. What is the original fraction?
5 / 7
3 / 7
7 / 3
7 / 5
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86. In a two-digit number, the digit at unit place is 1 more than twice of the digit at tnes place. If the digit at unit and tens place be interchanged, then the difference between the new number and original number is less than 1 to that of original number. What is the original number?
  A.  37
  B.  39
  C.  35
  D.  33
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1 / 5
of a number is equal to
5 / 8
of the second number. If 35 is added to the first number then it becomes 4 times of second number. What is the value of the second number?
  A.  38
  B.  41
  C.  39
  D.  40
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88. The ratio of two numbers is 3:2. If 10 and the sum of the two numbers are added to their product, square of sixteen is obtained. What could be the smaller number?
  A.  10
  B.  11
  C.  12
  D.  14
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89. The numbers x, y and z are such that xy = 96050 and xz = 95625 and y is greater than z by one. Find out the number z.
  A.  220
  B.  225
  C.  230
  D.  235
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90. If the sum of one-half, one-third and one-fourth of a number exceeds the number itself by 4, what could be the number?
  A.  48
  B.  46
  C.  48
  D.  42
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