51. Find the value of 2 + 4 +6 + 8 + ... + 100(or 50th even numbers)
  A.  2545
  B.  2560
  C.  2550
  D.  2555
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52. Find the value of 12 + 22 + 32 + ...... + 102
  A.  380
  B.  390
  C.  395
  D.  385
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53. If (12 + 22 + 32 + ...... + 102) = 385, then the value of (22 + 42 + 62 + ...... + 202) is
  A.  1540
  B.  1530
  C.  1550
  D.  1560
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54. Find the value of 13 + 23 + ..... + 63
  A.  440
  B.  441
  C.  442
  D.  443
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55. In the first 62 counting numbers, find the number of even numbers.
  A.  41
  B.  51
  C.  21
  D.  31
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56. From 1 to 100, how many numbers will be there of even and odd.
  A.  Odd:50, Even: 50
  B.  Odd:48, Even: 52
  C.  Odd:51, Even: 49
  D.  Odd:49, Even: 51
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57. In the first 61 counting numbers, find the number of even numbers.
  A.  10
  B.  20
  C.  30
  D.  40
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58. What is the number in the unit place in (729)59?
  A.  3
  B.  9
  C.  6
  D.  7
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59. Find the number in the unit place in
(i) (623)36 (ii) 623)38 (iii) (623)39
  A.  (i) 9; (ii) 7; (iii) 1
  B.  (i) 7; (ii) 9; (iii) 1
  C.  (i) 7; (ii) 1; (iii) 9
  D.  (i) 1; (ii) 9; (iii) 7
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60. What is the number in the unit place (24533)761 × (12349)839?
  A.  3
  B.  5
  C.  7
  D.  9
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