11. 24345 and 33334 are divided by a certain number of three digits and the remainder is the same in both the cases. Find the divisor and the remainder.
  A.  Divisor: 100; Remainder: 3
  B.  Divisor: 103; Remainder: 4
  C.  Divisor: 101; Remainder: 4
  D.  Divisor: 101; Remainder: 2
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12. The sum of two numbers is 14 and their difference is 10. Find the numbers and their product.
  A.  x: 11,y: 2; Product: 22
  B.  x: 6,y: 4; Product: 24
  C.  x: 10,y: 2; Product:20
  D.  x: 12,y: 2; Product: 24
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13. The difference ot two numbers is 11 and
1 / 5
th of their sum is 9. The numbers are:
  A.  28, 17
  B.  25, 14
  C.  30, 19
  D.  29, 18
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14. If one-fifth of one-third of one-half of number is 15, find the number.
  A.  452
  B.  450
  C.  445
  D.  460
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15. Three-fourth of one-fifth of a number is 60. The number is:
  A.  410
  B.  420
  C.  390
  D.  400
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16. Four-fifths of three-eighths of a number is 24. What is 250 percent of that number?
  A.  200
  B.  190
  C.  210
  D.  220
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17. Two-fifths of thirty percent of one-fourth of a number is 15. What is 20 per cent of that number?
  A.  90
  B.  110
  C.  100
  D.  120
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18. If
4 / 9
3 / 10
5 / 8
of a number is 45, what is the number.
  A.  530
  B.  540
  C.  550
  D.  560
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19. If
1 / 8
2 / 3
4 / 5
of a number is 12 then 30 percent of the number will be :
  A.  52
  B.  53
  C.  56
  D.  54
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20. Two-thirds of three-fifths of one-eighth of a certain number is 268.50. What is 30 percent of that number?
  A.  1511
  B.  1711
  C.  1611
  D.  1811
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