61. What is the number in the unit place in
(751)751 × (263)271 × (137)138 × (339)339
  A.  3
  B.  5
  C.  9
  D.  7
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62. Find the number in the unit place in
(i)(122)20, (ii) (122)22 (iii)(122)23
  A.  (i) 4; (ii) 6; (iii) 8
  B.  (i) 4; (ii) 8; (iii) 6
  C.  (i) 6; (ii) 4; (iii) 8
  D.  (i) 6; (ii) 8; (iii) 4
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63. Find the number in the unit place in
(i) (98)40 (ii) (98)42 (iii) (98)43
  A.  (i) 6; (ii) 2; (iii) 4
  B.  (i) 6; (ii) 4; (iii) 2
  C.  (i) 4; (ii) 6; (iii) 2
  D.  (i) 4; (ii) 2; (iii) 6
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64. Find the number in the unit place in
(4152)51 × (3268)67 × (5913)83 × (6217)103
  A.  6
  B.  2
  C.  4
  D.  8
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65. Find the number in the unit place in
(i)(621)240 (ii) (625)125 (iii) (636)36
  A.  (i) 1; (ii) 6; (iii) 5
  B.  (i) 5; (ii) 6; (iii) 1
  C.  (i) 6; (ii) 5; (iii) 1
  D.  (i) 1; (ii) 5; (iii) 6
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66. Find the number of divisors of 8064.
  A.  82
  B.  84
  C.  86
  D.  88
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67. Find the sum of the divisors of a number 8064.
  A.  58120
  B.  58130
  C.  58140
  D.  58150
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68. If the places of last two digits of a three digit number are interchanged, a new number greater than the original number by 54 is obtained. What is the difference between the last two digits of that number?
  A.  6
  B.  4
  C.  2
  D.  8
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69. A number when divided by 899 gives a remainder 63. what remainder will be obtained by dividing the same number by 29.
  A.  3
  B.  5
  C.  6
  D.  7
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70. The sum of two numbers is 75 and their difference is 20. Find the difference of their squares.
  A.  1600
  B.  1700
  C.  1500
  D.  1800
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