111. The Eastern coastal plain is also called as
  A.  Konkan coastal plain
  B.  Gujarat plain
  C.  Malabar coastal plain
  D.  Coromandal coastal plain
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112. The highest waterfall of India is
  A.  Shimsha falls
  B.  Vajrai Falls
  C.  Kunchikal Falls
  D.  Jog falls
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Kunchikal Falls in Shimoga district, Karnataka having 455 metres (1,493 ft) height is the highest waterfall in India.

113. The Palk Strait lies between
  A.  Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  B.  Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mannar
  C.  Rannn of Kutch and gulf of Khambhat
  D.  Lakshadweep and Maldives
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114. Who prepares the topographical maps of India?
  A.  Survey of India
  B.  Geological survey of India
  C.  Defence Ministry
  D.  Geographical Survey of India
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115. Which of the following is the highet peak in undisputed indian territory?
  A.  Mount Everest
  B.  Kanchenjunga
  C.  Nanda Devi
  D.  Nanga parbat
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116. Central highlands of Indian peninsular block are formed of
  A.  Igneous and metamorphic rocks
  B.  Igneous and sedimentary rocks
  C.  Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
  D.  Sedimentary rocks
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117. Which of the following states has longest coastline in India?
  A.  Tamil Nadu
  B.  Gujarat
  C.  Karnataka
  D.  Andhra Pradesh
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118. India's area is about __ times larger than pakistan.
  A.  3
  B.  5
  C.  6
  D.  4
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119. The place sabarimala is situated in whihc of the following states?
  A.  Andhra pradesh
  B.  Tamil Nadu
  C.  Kerala
  D.  Karnataka
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120. Which Himalayan peak is also called 'Sagar Matha'?
  A.  Mt. Everest
  B.  Dhaulagiri
  C.  Nanda parbat
  D.  Kanchenjunga
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