31. Which one of the following country is called place of midnight sun?
  A.  Finland
  B.  Poland
  C.  Norway
  D.  Sweden
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In Norway the sun is continuously visible between May and July. In the southern hemisphere the same phenomenon is seen in the Antarctica Continent.

32. The position when sun, moon and earth are in a straight line is called __________.
  A.  Aphelion
  B.  Perihelion
  C.  Equinox
  D.  Eclipse
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There are two types of eclipse: Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse. Solar eclipse occurs when moon lies between the sun and the earth while Lunar eclipse occurs when earth comes in between the sun and the mmon. A lunar eclipse takes place on a full moon.

33. The atmosphere has Nitrogen ________, Oxygen _______ Argon________ and Carbon dioxide __________.
  A.  78%, 20.95%, 0.93%, 0.04%
  B.  76%, 22.95%, 0.93%, 0.04%
  C.  79%, 19.95%, 1.03%, 0.5%
  D.  77%, 21.95%, 0.53%, 0.14%
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34. There are ______ layers of the atmosphere.
  A.  6
  B.  5
  C.  4
  D.  8
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The First layer of the atmosphere is Troposphere. The second layer is Stratosphere. The third layer is Mesosphere. The fourth layer is Thermosphere and the fifth layer is Exosphere.

35. The Troposphere extends to ___________ KM at the equator and _____KM at the poles
  A.  16, 8
  B.  18, 6
  C.  15, 7
  D.  18, 8
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36. Which layer of atmosphere is responsible for absorption of ultraviolet radiation of the sun by ozone. It is also ideal for flying airplanes because it is a cloudless layer.
  A.  Stratosphere
  B.  Mesosphere
  C.  Exosphere
  D.  Thermosphere
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Stratosphere is second layer of the atmosphere and it extends from the tropopause(end of Troposphere) to about 50 km.

37. Which layer of atomosphere is also called ionosphere?
  A.  Exosphere
  B.  Mesosphere
  C.  Thermosphere
  D.  Stratosphere
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Thermosphere lies above Mesosphere. It extends to a height of about 500 KM. The gas molecules in this layer abosrb X-rays and UV rays of the Sun and gets split into positively and negatively charged ions. Hence, it is also called ionosphere. These electrically charged gas molecules reflect radio waves from the Earth back into space. Thus, this layer helps in long distance communications.

38. In which layer of atmosphere, the artificial satellites and other spacecrafts are placed?
  A.  Thermosphere and Mesosphere
  B.  Thermosphere and Exosphere
  C.  Mesosphere and Exosphere
  D.  Stratosphere and Mesosphere
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Thermosphere and Exosphere are the outermost layers of atmosphere. These layers are ideal for artificial satellites to do work efficiently. Thermosphere is ideal for Communication satellites. Exosphere extends beyond thermosphere upto 960 KM.

39. Which layer of atomosphere has maximum temperature?
  A.  Troposphere
  B.  Stratosphere
  C.  Exosphere
  D.  Thermosphere
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40. The proportion of Hydrogen to Helium on Sun is ___________.
  A.  2:1
  B.  4:1
  C.  3:1
  D.  3:2
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The sun releases tremendous amount of energy (heat & light both) by nuclear fusion in all directions.

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