221. Which one of the following is not a HYV of wheat?
  A.  Ratna
  B.  Sonalika
  C.  Kalyan Sona
  D.  Girija
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222. In Indian agriculture, the period from July to October November is called
  A.  Rabi seaosn
  B.  Kharif season
  C.  Pre kharif season
  D.  Slack season
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223. Which breed of the following buffalo breeds is found in the south-western part of Gujarat?
  A.  Murrah
  B.  Surti
  C.  Bhadwari
  D.  Toda
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224. Match the following and select the correct answer form the codes given below:

  Crops      Producing state

a. Tea        1. Himachal pradesh

b. Sugarcane      2. Assam

c. Groundnut     3. Uttar pradesh

d. Apple        4. Gujarat

  A.  a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1
  B.  a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3
  C.  a-3, b-2, c-1, d-4
  D.  a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
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225. "Brown Revolution" is
  A.  growth of fodder industry
  B.  growth of food processing and soft drinks industries in India
  C.  growth of milk and milk producs
  D.  growth of sea products
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226. Mechanization of Indian agriculture on a considerabe scale is not possible due to:
  A.  small holdings
  B.  lack of tractors
  C.  poverty of the peasants
  D.  indiference of the people
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227. Golden revolution refers to
  A.  Sericulture
  B.  Viticulture
  C.  Apiculture
  D.  Horticulture
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228. The package technolgoy which brought about Green Revolution comprised mainly of:
  A.  man-power, Mechanical cultivators and elecicity
  B.  changes in crop pattern, industrialisation and chemical fertilizers
  C.  irrigations, bio-chemical fertilizers and high-yield varieties of seeds
  D.  electricity, irrigation and introduction of dry farming
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229. India is the largest producer of
  A.  Cotton
  B.  Mica
  C.  Rice
  D.  Tea
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230. Fibre crops are
  A.  cotton, hemp, jute and mesta
  B.  cotton, maize, tobacco and banana
  C.  Jute, sugarcane, linseed and rice
  D.  hemp, cotton, maize and saffron
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