21. Which two planets rotates clockwise direction in the Solar System?
  A.  Neptune and Uranus
  B.  Venus and Uranus
  C.  Mercury and Mars
  D.  Venus and Saturn
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Nearly all bodies and planets in the solar system rotates anticlockwise direction but Venus and Uranus planets rotates clockwise.

22. The Earth is __________ degree tilted on tis axis and thus makes _________ degree angle.
  A.  Twenty two and half, Sixty Six and half
  B.  Twenty three and half, Sixty three and half
  C.  Twenty three and half, Sixty Six and half
  D.  Twenty two and half, Sixty three and half
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23. Which one of the following option shows the size of total four oceans largest to smallest?
  A.  Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean
  B.  Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean
  C.  Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean
  D.  Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean
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24. _________________ is the world's deepest point of the world with the depth of ___________ metres.
  A.  Mariana Trench; 11,034
  B.  Tonga Trench; 11,534
  C.  Philippine Trench; 10,034
  D.  Puerto Rico Trench; 12,034
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25. The earth reaches its perihelion about ___________at a distance of about 147 million Km near one extremity of the major axis of the earth's elliptical orbit.
  A.  15th January
  B.  23rd January
  C.  3rd January
  D.  3rd February
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Perihelion is the position of the earth when it reaches nearest point to the sun. On 3rd January, Earth is only 147 million Km away from Sun.

26. The Earth reaches its aphelion on __________ when the earth is at a distance of 152 million Km away from the Sun.
  A.  14th July
  B.  4th July
  C.  24th July
  D.  28th July
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Aphelion is the position of the earth in its orbit when it remains at farthest point from the sun.It comes on 4th July when earth is 152 million Km away from sun.

27. On __________ northern hemisphere has longest day while southern hemisphere have shortest day.
  A.  21st July
  B.  23rd June
  C.  23rd July
  D.  21st June
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Solstice is one of the two dates in the year on which the sun reaches greatest altitude norht or south of the equator and is directly overhead along one of the line of the tropics. Summer Solstice falls on June21 when the sun is overhead on the tropic of Cancer(23 and 1/2° N)

28. On _________________ the sun is overhead on the Tropic of Captirorn(23 and 1/2 ° S) resulting shortest day in the northern hemisphere.
  A.  20 December
  B.  25 December
  C.  22 December
  D.  28 December
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29. Equinoxes are days in a year when day and night are equal. There are two equinox in a year. The 'vernal equinox' occurs on ____________ which is called the spring equinox in norhtern hemisphere.
  A.  21st March
  B.  23rd March
  C.  31st March
  D.  27th March
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30. The autumnal equinox occurs on ____________.
  A.  3rd September
  B.  23rd September
  C.  13th September
  D.  26th September
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