141. Which of the following areaas or regions is most prone to earthquakes?
  A.  Ganga-Brahmaputra valley
  B.  Deccan Plateau
  C.  Plains of Northern India
  D.  Western Ghats
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142. Where do the western and Eastern Ghats meet?
  A.  Cardamom hills
  B.  Nilgiri hills
  C.  Palani hills
  D.  Annamalai hills
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143. The longest sea beach in India is
  A.  Chapora beach
  B.  Diu beach
  C.  Marina beach
  D.  Aksa beach
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144. Nandadevi peak is located in ______ state:
  A.  Himachal Pradesh
  B.  Uttar pradesh
  C.  Uttarakhand
  D.  Sikkim
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145. The Andaman is separated from Nicobar by which water body?
  A.  10° channel
  B.  11° channel
  C.  Palk strait
  D.  Gulf of Mannar
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146. The range that acts as watershed between India and Turkistan is
  A.  Zaskar
  B.  Kailash
  C.  Ladakh
  D.  Karakoram
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147. The northern part of the west coast in India is known as
  A.  Konkan coast
  B.  Coromandel coast
  C.  Malabar coast
  D.  Godavari Coast
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148. The mountain range which divides the north and the South India is
  A.  Vindhyas
  B.  Western ghats
  C.  Himalayas
  D.  Satpura
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149. Arrange the following river from south to north

a. Cauvery

b. krishna

c. Godavari

d. Mahanadi
  A.  a, c, b, d
  B.  a, b, c, d
  C.  b, d, c, a
  D.  c, d, a, b
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150. Match the dams and the rivers across which those have been constructed.

   Dam          River

a. Gandhi sagar    1. Bhagirathi

b. Jayakwadi      2. Krishan

c. Nagarjuna      3. Godavari

d. Tehri         4. Chambal
  A.  a-4, b-2, c-1, d-3
  B.  a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2
  C.  a-2, b-4, c-3, d-1
  D.  a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
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