191. The period by which the entire country in India comes under southwest monsoon is
  A.  1st - 10th June
  B.  10th - 20th June
  C.  1st - 15th July
  D.  20th - 30th June
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192. Western disturbances cause rainfall in the following Indian atates during winter
  A.  Bihar and West Bengal
  B.  Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
  C.  Kerala and Karnataka
  D.  Punjab and Haryana
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193. Which of the following two States are prone to cyclones during retreating Monsoon season?
  A.  Andhra Pradesh and Orissa
  B.  Punjab and Haryana
  C.  Bihar and Assam
  D.  Karnataka and Kerala
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194. Summer Monsoons in India bring rainfall to
  A.  Southern-Easter tip
  B.  Western Coast
  C.  North-Western India
  D.  Eastern Coast
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195. Nagpur gets scanty rainfall because it is located with reference to Sahyadri Mountains, towards
  A.  Windward side
  B.  Seawoard side
  C.  Onshore side
  D.  Leeward side
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196. Heavy rainfall during the months of October and November is received by
  A.  Coromandel Coast
  B.  Chota Nagpur Plateau
  C.  Gharo, Khasi and Jaintia hills
  D.  Malwa Plateau
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197. The burst of monsoons in the month of June brings rain to
  A.  Kerala and Karnataka
  B.  Kerala, Tamil Nadu and parts of Andhra Pradesh
  C.  Kerala and Southern coast of Tamil Nadu
  D.  Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
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198. Delhi gets winter rainfall due to
  A.  South-West monsoons
  B.  Western disturbance
  C.  Conventional rain
  D.  North-East monsoons
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199. Which of the following is the area of lowest pressure over Indian subcontinent during the hot dry weather season?
  A.  Rann of Kachchh
  B.  Rajasthan
  C.  Meghalaya
  D.  North-West India
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200. Why does the west coast of Indian receive more rainfall from southwest monsoon than the east coast?
  A.  Unlike the east coast this coast is straight
  B.  The east coast is broader than the west coast
  C.  The Western Ghats obstruct the winds causing rainfall
  D.  The Eastern Ghats extend parallel to wind direction
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