421. What is the source of natural energy of the hot springs at Manikaran iri Himachal pradesh?
  A.  Biomass Energy
  B.  Geothermal Energy
  C.  Thermal Energy
  D.  Hydro Energy
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422. Arrange the following cities in an order from North to South

1. Bhubaneshwar

2. Chennai

3. Hyderabad

4. Cochin
  A.  1, 2, 4, 3
  B.  1, 2, 3, 4
  C.  1, 3, 2, 4
  D.  1, 3, 4, 2
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423. Raipur is the capital of which Indian State?
  A.  Jharkhand
  B.  Goa
  C.  Himachal Pradesh
  D.  Chhattisgarh
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424. Over the years, bitrh rate in India has _______ and death rate has _______.
  A.  fallen, fallen
  B.  risen, risen
  C.  fallen, risen
  D.  risen, fallen
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425. Which city is referred to as the 'silicon valley of India?
  A.  Mumbai
  B.  Chennai
  C.  Bangalore
  D.  Hyderabad
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426. Who was the first indian woman to scale Mt. Everst?
  A.  Fu Dorji
  B.  Bachendri Pal
  C.  Anu Sang Suu Kyi
  D.  Yoko Ono
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427. Where is National Chemical Laboratroy located?
  A.  Chandigarh
  B.  Bhavnagar
  C.  Panaji
  D.  Pune
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428. According to a study conducted by Hyderabad's National Institute of Nutrition, the healthiest of 14 fresh fruits commonly consumed in India with maximum 'Goodness Index' is
  A.  Indian Plum
  B.  Mango
  C.  Guava
  D.  Custard apple
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429. The present name of kamarupa is
  A.  Assam
  B.  Bihar
  C.  Bengal
  D.  Manipur
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430. Which o the following sites has been included in UNESCO's list of world heritage sites?
  A.  Chilka lake
  B.  Sunderbans national park
  C.  Nagin lake
  D.  Dal lake
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