251. Which State in India is estimated to have the largest coal reserves in India?
  A.  Andhra Pradesh
  B.  Madhya Pradesh (including chhatisgarh)
  C.  Bihar (including Jharkhand)
  D.  Orissa
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252. Which state of India has the largest, reserves of monazite with a high thorium content?
  A.  Maharashtra
  B.  Karnataka
  C.  Gujarat
  D.  Kerala
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253. Which state in India is the leading producer of Sulphur?
  A.  Maharashtra
  B.  Assam
  C.  Punjab
  D.  Tamil Nadu
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254. Singhbum is famous for
  A.  Coal
  B.  Iron
  C.  Copper
  D.  Aluminium
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255. Which one of the following states prodeces the maximum manganese in India?
  A.  Madhya Pradesh
  B.  Andhra Pradesh
  C.  Uttar Pradesh
  D.  Orissa
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256. Gujarat is the largest producer of salt in India becuase
  A.  it has extensive dry coast
  B.  its coastal water are very saline
  C.  it has extensive shallow seas
  D.  besides producing salt from saline waer, it has reserves of rock salt
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257. Jadugoda mines are famous for
  A.  Iron ore
  B.  Mica deposits
  C.  Uranium deposits
  D.  Gold deposits
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258. Which of the following produces maximum crude petroleum in India at present?
  A.  Assam
  B.  Off-shore Bombay High
  C.  Gujarat
  D.  Coastal Tamil Nadu
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259. India is one of the largest produceers of manganese ore in the world along with
  A.  China and Russia
  B.  South Africa and USA
  C.  Australia and USA
  D.  Brazil and Russia
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260. Which state possesses biggest coal reserve?
  A.  Madhya Pradesh
  B.  Bihar
  C.  Jharkahnd
  D.  Orissa
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