111. There are five buses M,N,O,P,Q in a row on a road.Bus M is standing at the front and Q is standing at the back end.Bus N stands between M and O.Bus P stands between O and Q.which bus is in the middle of the five?

  A.  Q
  B.  P
  C.  N
  D.  M
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112. Six girls are standing in such a way that they form a circle,facing the centre.Subbu is to the left of Pappu,Revathi is between Subbu and Nisha,Aruna is between Pappu and Keerthana.Who is to the left of Pappu?

  A.  Keerthana
  B.  Subbu
  C.  Nisha
  D.  Aruna
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113. In a row at a bus stop, 'A' is 7th form the left and 'B' is 9th from the right.They both interchange their positions.Now A becomes 11th from the left.How many people are there in the row?

  A.  10
  B.  19
  C.  20
  D.  18
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114. Five girls are sitting in a row.Sudha is sitting next to Padma but not next to Tapti.Krishna is sitting next to Tapti.Krishna is sitting next to Rama who is sitting on the extreme left.Tapti is sitting on the extreme right.Nobody is sitting between Padma and Krishna.Who is sititng in the middle?

  A.  Padma
  B.  Krishna
  C.  Sudha
  D.  Tapti
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115. A,B,C,D,E and F are sitting in a row. ' E' and 'F' are in the centre an 'A' and 'B' are at the ends.'C' is sitting on the left of 'A'.Then who is sitting on the right of 'B'?

  A.  E
  B.  D
  C.  A
  D.  F
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116. Five friends 'P','Q' ,'R', 'S' and 'T' are sitting in a row facing North. Here 'S' is between 'T' and 'Q' and 'Q' is to the immediate left of 'R'. 'P ' is to the immediate left of 'T'.Who is in the middle?

  A.  S
  B.  P
  C.  T
  D.  R
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117. Five policemen are standing in a row facing south.Shekhar is to the immediate right of Dhanush.Bala is between Basha and Dhanush.David is at the extreme right end of the row. Who is standing in the middle of the row?

  A.  Bala
  B.  Basha
  C.  Shekhar
  D.  Dhanush
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118. Six of my colleagues are sitting on the first row in this group photograph.Krishna is to the left of Kumar and to the right of Samy.Vaani is in between Sheela and Kumar. Where is Saroj sitting?

  A.  To the right of Samy
  B.  In between Samy and Krishna
  C.  To the left of Samy
  D.  In between Vaani and Sheela
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119. Five people are sitting in a row facing you.Y is at the left of X,W is sitting at the right of Z.V is sitting at the right of X and W is sitting at the left of Y.If Z is sitting at one end of the row,then who is sitting in the middle?
  A.  V
  B.  Y
  C.  X
  D.  Z
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120. Six friends A,B,C,D,E and F are sitting in a circle.C is to the let of D,F is between A and E, and E is between F and D.Who is to the left of F?

  A.  E
  B.  A
  C.  D
  D.  C
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