11. If you are eleventh in a queue starting either end,how many are there in the queue?

  A.  Eleven
  B.  Twenty-one
  C.  Twenty
  D.  Twenty-two
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12. Ajay is older than Beena but younger than Cheenu. Deepak is younger than Ela but older than Ajay. If Cheenu is younger than Deepak, who is the oldest of all?

  A.  Ajay
  B.  Cheenu
  C.  Ela
  D.  Deepak
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13. Among five friends Amir is shorter than Brij but taller than Eka, Chi is slightly shorter than Brij and slightly taller than Amir. Who is the shortest? (Check this question)

  A.  Amir
  B.  Duke
  C.  Chi
  D.  Eka
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14. There are five friends -S, K, M, A, R, S is shorter than k, but taller than R. M is the tallest. A is a little shorter than K and little taller than S. Who has two persons taller and two persons shorter than him ?

  A.  A
  B.  R
  C.  K
  D.  S
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15. A is richer than B
C is richer than A
D is richer than C
E is the richest of all
If they are made to sit in the above degree of ricness who will be in the middle position( central position )?

  A.  D
  B.  B
  C.  C
  D.  A
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16. P,Q,R and T answered an Examination.In the results Q was immediately followed by 'P' but no one was there after 'P' .'R' was ahead of 'Q' but could not score as much as 'T'.who scored the second highest?

  A.  P
  B.  R
  C.  Q
  D.  T
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17. A family went out for a walk.Daughter walked before the father.Son was walking behind the mother and ahead of father.Who walked last?

  A.  Son
  B.  Daughter
  C.  Mother
  D.  Father
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18. 'Suma' is shorter than 'Uma', 'Neha' is taller then 'Suma', 'Sudha' is taller than 'Uma" but shorter than 'Hema'. 'Uma' is taller than 'Neha' .who is the tallest among them?

  A.  Sudha
  B.  Uma
  C.  Hema
  D.  Neha
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19. In a row of 16 girls,when Hema was shifted by two places towards the left she became 7th from the left end.What was her earlier position from the right end?
  A.  8th
  B.  7th
  C.  9th
  D.  10th
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20. If Sunitha is taller than Anitha. Reena is taller than Chitra but shorter than Banu. Anitha is shorter than Chitra Chitra is taller than Sunitha, then who is the shortest ?

  A.  Sunitha
  B.  Anitha
  C.  Reena
  D.  Banu
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