51. Five birds Crow,Pigeon,Little Pigeon,Big crow and Eagle fly one after other from a tree branch. Big Crow flew after Crow but is ahead of Eagle.Pigeon is between Crow and Big Crow.Little Pigeon is before Crow.Which bird is the last?

  A.  Eagle
  B.  Big crow
  C.  Pigeon
  D.  None of these
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52. P,Q,R and S are four friends.P, is shorter than Q but taller than R who is shorter than S. Who is the shortest among all?

  A.  P
  B.  R
  C.  Q
  D.  S
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53. In a row of trees one tree is the 7th from either end of the row.How many trees are there in the row?

  A.  11
  B.  13
  C.  15
  D.  14
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54. There are five friends - Satish,Kishore,Mohan,Anil and Rajesh.Mohan is the tallest .Satish is shorter than Kishore but taller than Rajesh.Anil is little shorter than Kishore but little taller than Satish.Who is taller than Rajesh but shorter than Anil?

  A.  Satish
  B.  Kishore
  C.  Rajesh
  D.  Anil
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55. There are five friends Suresh,Kaushal,Madhur,Amit and Ramesh.Suresh is shorter than Kaushal but taller than Ramesh.Madhur is the tallest.Amit is a little shorter than Kaushal but little taller than suresh.If they stand in the order of their heights who will be the shortest?

  A.  Amit
  B.  Ramesh
  C.  Madhur
  D.  Kaushal
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56. If Ram runs less fast than Shyam and Shyam runsj as fast as Lal but less fast than Tom.Who runs fastest?

  A.  Tom
  B.  Shyam
  C.  Lal
  D.  Tom and Lal
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57. F has less money than H but more than G.E has more than F but less than H.Who is the poorest?

  A.  F
  B.  E
  C.  H
  D.  G
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58. If Anil runs less fast than Sunil and Sunil runs fas fast but not faster than Suraj,then Suraj runs :

  A.  As fast as Anil
  B.  Faster than Sunil
  C.  Faster than Anil
  D.  Less fast than Anil
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59. There are five friends Shailendra,Keshav,Madhav,Ashish and Rakesh.Shailendra is shorter than Keshav but taller than Rakesh,Madhav is the tallest.Ashish is a little shorter than Keshav and little taller than Shailendra.Who is the shortest?
  A.  Shailendera
  B.  Rakesh
  C.  Ashish
  D.  Keshav
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60. In a group of five districts Akbarpur is smaller than Fatehpur.Dhanbad is bigger than Palamu and Bara Banki is bigger than Fatehpur but not as big as palamu.Which district is the biggest?

  A.  Dhanbad
  B.  Fatehpur
  C.  Akbarpur
  D.  Palamu
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