Directions (Questions 261 to 265): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are eight friends sitting around a circular table. Six of them are facing the centre. All of them likes different sports viz — Cricket, Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Polo, Chess, Shooting and Swimming, but not necessarily in the same order. O is an immediate neighbour of P. The person who is opposite N is facing outside and N is the immediate neighbour of the person who likes Volleyball. T sits third to the right of Q and his sports is Shooting. M and T are not the neighbours of the person who likes Chess. R’s sports is not Football or Volleyball. The person who likes Swimming is sitting opposite Q. The one who likes Volleyball, sits immediate right of N. P and S are immediate neighbours of N, who likes Polo. S sits third to the right of M and he likes Cricket. P sits third to the left of M.

261. Who likes Chess ?
  A.  M
  B.  N
  C.  O
  D.  Q
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Q likes Chess.

262. How many persons sit between O and the person who likes Hockey, when counted in clock wise direction, starting from O ?
  A.  One
  B.  Three
  C.  Two
  D.  Four
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Two persons sit between O and the person who likes Hockey, when counted in clock wise direction, starting from O.

263. The person who is sitting second to the right of N, what sports does he like?
  A.  Hockey
  B.  Swimming
  C.  Football
  D.  Cricket
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The person who is sitting second to the right of N likes Swimming.

264. What is the position of Q with respect to P ?
  A.  Third to the right
  B.  Second to the right
  C.  Immediate right
  D.  Third to the left
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Q is Third to the right with respect to P.

265. Which of the following statements is true ?
  A.  Q likes Hockey
  B.  P sits immediate left of N.
  C.  T likes Football.
  D.  N sits second to the left of Q.
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N sits second to the left of Q is true.

Directions (Questions 266 to 270) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Seven sports person L, S, A, D, J, B and H are going to participate in a competition. They are sitting in an aeroplane to go to China in a row and facing north. All of them belong to different sports viz — Tennis, Badminton, Athletics, Shooting, Hockey, Wrestling and Archery, but not necessarily in the same order. S sits fourth to the left of the person who belongs to wrestling. Only one person sits between S and H. H belongs to Athletics. Either S or the one who belongs to Wrestling sits at the extreme ends of the row. The person who belongs to Tennis sits third to the right of D, who is not an immediate neighbour of H. Only one person sits between J and the one who belongs to Badminton. L and A are immediate neighbours. L does not belong to Wrestling. The one who belongs to Hockey sits third to the right of the one who belongs to Archery.

266. Who among the following belongs to Shooting ?
  A.  B
  B.  D
  C.  J
  D.  L
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D belongs to Shooting.(i.e option B)

267. Who among the following sits at the extreme right end of the row ?
  A.  B
  B.  L
  C.  A
  D.  S
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A sits at the extreme right end of the row. i.e (option C)

268. Which of the following sports does L belong ?
  A.  Hockey
  B.  Tennis
  C.  Wrestling
  D.  Can’t be determined
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L belongs to Hockey.

269. Which of the following combinations is true ?
  A.  A – Athletes
  B.  J – Tennis
  C.  B – Shooting
  D.  All are true
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J – Tennis is true.

270. How many persons are there between H and D ?
  A.  None
  B.  One
  C.  Three
  D.  Two
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Three persons are there between H and D.

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