Directions (Questions 231 to 235): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight persons Neema, Veeru, Venni, Vinod, Neeraj, Viraj, Nikki and Naved are sitting around a square table, four of them facing towards centre while four of them facing outside but not necessarily in the same order. Vinod sits fourth to right of Naved. Venni is sitting immediate right of Vinod. Only one person sits between Nikki and Vinod and both are facing same directions. Nikki sits fourth to the right of Viraj, whodoesn’t sits in middle of the table. Viraj is not a neighbour of Naved and faces towards the centre. Venni sits adjacent to Nikki, who faces opposite direction of Venni. Neeraj is to the immediate left of Vinod. Veeru faces opposite direction of Venni and sits second to the left of Venni. Neeraj is sitting second to left of Neema, who faces same direction as Viraj.

241. Who among the following persons faces the centre of the table?
  A.  Vinod
  B.  Veeru
  C.  Neeraj
  D.  Naved
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Naved faces the centre of the table.

242. Who is sitting immediate right of Naved?
  A.  Neema
  B.  Venni
  C.  Veeru
  D.  Neeraj
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Veeru is sitting immediate right of Naved.

243. Four of the following five are form a group in some way, find out the odd one?
  A.  Neema
  B.  Viraj
  C.  Venni
  D.  Neeraj
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Viraj is the odd one.

244. Venni is related to Neeraj and in the same way Naved is related to Nikki then which of the following is related to Viraj?
  A.  Vinod
  B.  Naved
  C.  Both Vinod and Naved
  D.  None of these
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None of these is related to Viraj.

245. Which of the following statement is/ are true?
  A.  Venni is facing outside the centre
  B.  Veeru is facing towards the centre
  C.  Viraj is sitting immediate right of Neema
  D.  None is true
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None is true

Directions (Questions 246 to 250) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Eight animals Dog, Cat, Goat, Donkey, Cow, Sheep, Zebra and Pig from different states Uttrakhand, Assam, Manipur, J&K, Bengal, Mizoram, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh not necessarily in same order sitting around a rectangular table. Three animals are sitting on each longer side and each on the smaller sides. All animals are facing centre.
(i) Donkey is sitting second to the right of the animal which is from Himachal Pradesh.
(ii) Cow is sitting third to the left of the animal which is from Mizoram.
(iii)Sheep and Zebra are sitting opposite each other.
(iv) Goat is sitting diagonally opposite the animal from Delhi.
(v) Cat is sitting opposite the animal which is from Uttrakhand.
(vi) The animal from J&K is sitting second to the right of the animal from Bengal and second to the left of Dog, which is not sitting near the animal which is from Delhi.
(vii) Zebra is sitting on the smaller side and to the right of the animal which is from Delhi.
(viii) Animals from Bengal and J&K are not on the same side of the table.
(ix) The animal from J&K is sitting third to the right of the animal from Himachal Pradesh, which is not sitting diagonally opposite the animal from Assam.
(x) The animal from J&K is third to the left of Goat. Sheep sits second to the left of Pig.
(xi) The animal from Assam sits opposite to the animal from Bengal.

246. Who is sitting third to the right of the animal from Mizoram?
  A.  Cow
  B.  Animal from Delhi
  C.  Dog
  D.  Animal from Bengal
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Animal from Delhi is sitting third to the right of the animal from Mizoram.

247. From which country does Dog belong?
  A.  Manipur
  B.  Uttrakhand
  C.  Assam
  D.  Bengal
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Dog belongs to Assam.

248. Which of the following animal is definitely sitting diagonally opposite to Donkey?
  A.  Goat
  B.  Dog
  C.  Animal from Assam
  D.  Animal from Manipur
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Goat is definitely sitting diagonally opposite to Donkey.

249. According to the sitting arrangement what will come in place of question mark? Donkey : J&K :: Goat : ?
  A.  Himachal Pradesh
  B.   Bengal
  C.  Manipur
  D.  Mizoram
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Mizoram comes in place of question mark.

250. Which of the following combinations is correctly matched?
  A.  Pig–Himachal Pradesh
  B.  Donkey–Bengal
  C.  Zebra–J&K
  D.  Dog– Manipur
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Zebra – J&K is correctly matched.

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