Directions (Questions 251 to 255): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table in a Hotel in Mumbai for the lunch in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square table while other four sit in the middle of each of the four sides of table. The one who sits at the four corners faces towards the center of the table while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. Each of them ordered a different food items, viz Garlic Bread, Sandwich, Maccroni, Dosa, Burger, Rice, Soya Chap and Kadhai Paneer but not necessarily in the same order. C sits third to the left of the one who orders Kadhai Paneer . The one who orders Kadhai Paneer faces outside. Only two persons sit between C and H. The one who orders Garlic Bread sits on the immediate right of H. The one who orders Burger sits second to the right of G. G is neither an immediate neighbour of H nor of C. G does not order Kadhai Paneer . Only one person sits between A and the one who orders Burger . D sits on the immediate left of the one who orders Rice. G does not order Rice. E orders Soya Chap. E is not an immediate neighbour of A. The one who orders Sandwich is an immediate neighbour of E. The one who orders Dosa is an immediate neighbour of F.

251. What is the position of the one who orders Rice with respect to G?
  A.  Second to the left
  B.  Third to the right
  C.  Fourth to the left
  D.  Third to the left
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Third to the left is the position of the one who orders Rice with respect to G

252. Who among the following represent the immediate neighbours of the one who orders Burger ?
  A.  B, F
  B.  C, E
  C.  B, E
  D.  D, F
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B, E represent the immediate neighbours of the one who orders Burger.

253. Who among the following sits exactly between H and B when counted clockwise from H?
  A.  C
  B.  A
  C.  The one who orders Maccroni.
  D.  The one who orders Sandwich
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A (i.e. option B)
A sits exactly between H and B when counted clockwise from H.

254. Which of the following is true regarding B?
  A.  B is an immediate neighbour of the one who orders Garlic Bread
  B.  The one who orders Kadhai Paneer is an immediate neighbour of B
  C.  B sits second to the left of H.
  D.  B is one of the immediate neighbours of D.
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B is an immediate neighbour of the one who orders Garlic Bread is true regarding B.

255. Who amongst the following sits diagonally opposite the one who orders Garlic Bread ?
  A.  The one who orders Sandwich
  B.  D
  C.  The one who orders Maccroni
  D.  The one who orders Dosa
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The one who orders Dosa sits diagonally opposite the one who orders Garlic Bread.

Directions (Questions 256 to 260) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Eight friends Ajay, Biru, Chinu, Dino, Ele, Firoj, Grag and Hanu are sitting around a circular table with equal distance between each other but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing the centre while some are facing outside the centre. Biru sits third to the left of Ajay. Only three persons sit between Biru and Hanu. Ele sits to the immediate right of Hanu. Only one person sits between Ele and Dino. The immediate neighbours of Ele face opposite direction. Grag sits second to the right of Dino. Both Grag and Chinu face the same direction as Hanu. Immediate neighbours of Firoj faces opposite direction. Ele faces inside. Dino faces a direction opposite to that of Biru.

256. How many persons sit between Ajay and Firoj when counted from the left of Firoj?
  A.  More than four
  B.  Four
  C.  Three
  D.  Two
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Four persons sit between Ajay and Firoj when counted from the left of Firoj.

257. Who amongst the following sits third to right of Biru?
  A.  Ajay
  B.  Hanu
  C.  Ele
  D.  Chinu
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Ele sits third to right of Biru.

258. How many persons face the centre as per the given arrangement?
  A.  Three
  B.  Two
  C.  One
  D.  Four
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Three persons face the centre as per the given arrangement.

259. Which of the following statements is true as per the given arrangement?
  A.  Ajay and Ele face the same direction
  B.  Hanu is sitting third to left of Grag
  C.  Grag faces the centre.
  D.  Immediate neighbours of Biru faces the same direction
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Immediate neighbours of Biru faces the same direction is true.

260. As per the given arrangement Firoj is related to Hanu in the same way Grag is related to Ajay. Following the same pattern to whom is related to Ele?
  A.  Biru
  B.  Dino
  C.  Ajay
  D.  Chinu
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Ajay is related to Ele.

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