Directions (Questions 281 to 285): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight friends A, B, C ,D , E, F, G and H are sitting in straight line in such a way that some of them are facing north and some of them are facing south. Each of them is like different countries to travel viz. Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, America, Poland, China and Australia but not necessarily in the same order. A sits third to left of H who likes Thailand. F sits immediate right of G who faces towards the north direction. F does not sit adjacent to A. F does not sit extreme end of the row. B likes India and sits second to left of E. A sits 2nd left of G who likes Australia. B is not immediate neighbour of G. The one who likes Sri Lanka sits second to right of one who likes Turkey. The one who likes Turkey faces south direction. Immediate neighbour of F faces same direction as F. D does not sit any of the extreme end of the row. Only one person sits between the one who likes Poland and the one who likes China and both of them faces north direction. C does not sit adjacent to person who likes China. A does not like China. E sits second to left of B. C does not like Poland or China. D sits immediate right B who faces south direction. D faces north direction.

281. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions and so form a group. Which of the following is different from the group?
  A.  H
  B.  D
  C.  B
  D.  A
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D (i.e. option B) is different from the group.

282. Who among following sits second to left of A?
  A.  G
  B.  E
  C.  B
  D.  H
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G sits second to left of A.

283. E likes which of the following country?
  A.  Australia
  B.  Poland
  C.  Sri Lanka
  D.  China
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E likes China.

284. Who among following likes Sri Lanka?
  A.  B
  B.  E
  C.  D
  D.  A
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D (i.e. option C) likes Sri Lanka.

285. Who sits third to right of D?
  A.  C
  B.  E
  C.  B
  D.  H
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E sits third to right of D.

Directions (Questions 286 to 290) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are the member of the family. Among them four are males and four are females. There are three husbands, three wives, two daughters, and two sons in the family. Each member of the family likes different animals i.e. Rabbit, Lion, Jackal, Sheep, Lemur, Tortoise, Monkey and Dolphin. They all are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. No male like Jackal. W likes Lemur and married to the one who likes Tortoise. P is the father of R and U, who is a male and likes Tortoise. P and Q cannot sit adjacent to each other. All females sit together. S likes Dolphin and is sitting second to the left of her father. S is the daughter of R, who is second to the right of her son. The one who likes Monkey is married to the one who like Sheep and neither P nor Q likes Sheep. T likes Jackal and is sitting between the one who likes Lion and the one who like Monkey. V is the father of Q and is sitting between two male members.

286. How is U related to Q?
  A.  Uncle
  B.  Father
  C.  Maternal-Uncle
  D.  Grandfather
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U is Maternal-Uncle of Q.

287. P likes which of the following animals?
  A.  Dolphin
  B.  Tortoise
  C.  Lion
  D.  Rabbit
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P likes Rabbit.

288. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
  A.  V – Sheep
  B.  P – Monkey
  C.  T – Jackal
  D.  Q – Lion
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P – Monkey is not correctly matched.

289. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
  A.  Lion
  B.  Monkey
  C.  Lemur
  D.  Jackal
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Lion does not belong to that group.

290. Who likes Sheep?
  A.  P
  B.  Q
  C.  V
  D.  R
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V likes Sheep.

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