Directions (Questions 141 to 145): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight friends – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing outward. They like different colors, viz Brown, Magenta, Violet and Cyan. Two friends like same color.
• C sits third to the left of H, who likes Violet, and both are facing the same direction.
• G sits on the immediate right of B, who likes Brown.
• C and B are not facing the same direction but C is an immediate neighbor of E, who is fourth to the left of G
• E and G both are facing opposite directions and like same colors.
• Those who like Brown color sit adjacent to each other but face opposite directions.
• The person, who like Magenta color sit opposite each other.
• The immediate neighbor of E are not facing outward.
• A person who like Violet color is an immediate neighbor of the both persons who like Cyan color.
• D and F are immediate neighbors of H.
• D is not facing the center and likes Cyan color.
• The one who is on the immediate left of F is not facing the centre. F sits second to the right of C.

141. Who among the following likes Violet color?
  A.  D and F
  B.  H and F
  C.  G and C
  D.  C and H
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C and H likes Violet color.

142. Who among the following sits on the immediate right of the person who likes Magenta color?
  A.  A
  B.  D
  C.  B
  D.  F
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B sits on the immediate right of the person who likes Magenta color i.e (Option C)

143. How many persons are facing outward?
  A.  Four
  B.  Three
  C.  Two
  D.  One
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Three persons are facing outward.

144. A likes which of the following color?
  A.  Brown
  B.  Either Cyan or Magenta
  C.  Either Brown or Violet
  D.  Cyan
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A likes Brown color.

145. If D and F interchange their places then who among the following is on the immediate left of G?
  A.  B
  B.  D
  C.  H
  D.  F
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F is on the immediate left of G.

Directions (Questions 146 to 150) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

There are four pairs of husband and wife among, A, B, C, D,E,F, G and H. All are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. All pairs belong to a different city, viz Gurugram, Noida, Meerut and Faridabad. Each man sits beside his wife. B is the wife of the man who belongs to Gurugram and sits second to the right of A, who belongs to Faridabad. G is the wife of the one who belongs to Meerut and sits on his right, .F and D are male members in the group and one of them does not belong to Meerut. .C is an immediate neighbour of B and A and is on the immediate right of her husband. E and A are immediate neighbours. H is wife of E and sits third to the right of F.

146. C belongs to which of the following cities?
  A.  Meerut
  B.  Faridabad
  C.  Noida
  D.  Can’t be determined
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C belongs to Faridabad city.

147. Who among the following is sitting second to the right of B?
  A.  F
  B.  A
  C.  D
  D.  G
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D is sitting second to the right of B. i.e (option C)

148. Which of the following pairs belongs to Meerut?
  A.  B, D
  B.  H, E
  C.  E, G
  D.  D, G
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B, D belongs to Meerut.

149. The person who sits opposite E is the husband of
  A.  H
  B.  C
  C.  D
  D.  B
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The person who sits opposite E is the husband of B. i.e. Option - D)

150. Who among the following is the husband of G?
  A.  E
  B.  F
  C.  B
  D.  None of the above
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None of these

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