Directions (Questions 151 to 155): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table facing outward from the centre. Each of them likes a different game, viz Basketball, Swimming, Kho-Kho, Squash, Vollyball, Athletics, Taekwondo and Long jump, but not necessarily in the same order. The one who likes Basketball sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Long jump. V and T are not immediate neighbours of each other. V, who does not like Volleyball, sits on the immediate right of W. P sits second to the right of the one who likes Taekwondo. S likes neither Athletics nor Taekwondo. There are two persons between R and the one who likes Athletics. There is only one person between the persons who like Athletics and Long jump. T and Q are immediate neighbours of each other. The one who likes Volleyball sits second to the right of U. W likes neither Basketball nor Swimming but he is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes Volleyball. P and R, who likes Kho-Kho, are not immediate neighbours. There are two persons between the ones who like Taekwondo and Volleyball respectively.

151. Who among the following sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Taekwondo?
  A.  The one who likes Athletics
  B.  T
  C.  The one who likes Squash
  D.  V
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V sits on the immediate left of the one who likes Taekwondo.

152. Who among the following sits opposite P?
  A.  S
  B.  V
  C.  W
  D.  R
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W sits opposite P.

153. Who sits exactly between R and the one who likes Basketball?
  A.  The one who likes Volleyball
  B.  U
  C.  The one who likes Athletics
  D.  The one who likes Squash
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U sits exactly between R and the one who likes Basketball.

154. Who are the immediate neighbours of the one who likes Volleyball?
  A.  R, W
  B.  V, W
  C.  U, R
  D.  Can’t be determined
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(R, W) are immediate neighbours of the one who likes Volleyball.

155. What is the position of U with respect to the one who likes Athletics?
  A.  Third to the right
  B.  Immediate left
  C.  Second to the left
  D.  Second to the right
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U is second to the right with respect to the one who likes Athletics.

Directions (Questions 156 to 160) : The following questions are based on the information given below:

Eight friends H, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are sitting around a circular table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. There are five females in the group of friends. No two male persons are immediate neighbours of each other. N sits third to the right of P, Who sits second to the right of his wife. J sits second to the right of her husband H, who is not an immediate neighbour of P’s wife. K is not an immediate neighbour of P. M sits second to the right of her husband. O is not an immediate neighbour of J. L sits second to the right of N, who is not a male.

156. Who among the following sits exactly between two males?
  A.  M
  B.  O
  C.  J
  D.  N
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O sits exactly between two males.

157. Who among the following is wife of P?
  A.  L
  B.  O
  C.  K
  D.  N
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K is wife of P

158. In which of the following pairs is the second person second to the right of the first person?
  A.  M, O
  B.  H, P
  C.  K, J
  D.  N, P
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M, O is the second person second to the right of the first person

159. How many females are there exactly between J and N?
  A.  One
  B.  Two
  C.  Three
  D.  None
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None is there exactly between J and N.

160. Who among the following is third to the right of J?
  A.  H
  B.  O
  C.  Wife of L
  D.  Wife of P
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Wife of L is third to the right of J

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