121. Four friends ABCD are sitting in a coffee shop.A and B are sitting face to face.D is not sitting next to A but can see the facial expression of A clearly.B is talking to C who is sitting opposite ot him. Who are sitting together?

  A.  A and B
  B.  A and D
  C.  D and C
  D.  A and C
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122. In a row of students,if John,who is 16th form the left, and Johnson ,who is 8th from the right,interchange their positions,John becomes 33rd from left.How many students are there in the row?

  A.  38
  B.  39
  C.  40
  D.  41
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123. In a row of children,Rashi is fifteenth from left.If Ramesh who is twenty ninth from the right interchanges his position,Raashi becomes twenty sixth from left.How many children are there in the row?

  A.  56
  B.  54
  C.  64
  D.  45
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124. Five girls are sitting in a row ,A is on the right of B,E is on the left of B,but to the right of C.If A is on the left of D,who is sitting in the middle ?

  A.  B
  B.  A
  C.  E
  D.  C
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125. Six friends are sitting in a circle and are facing the centre of the circle.Runa ,Chaur and Pari are females.Varun,Manu, and Prakash are males.Manu is between Varun and Prakash,Charu is between Pari and Runa.Varun and Pari are opposite to each other.person sitting to the right of Runa is male.Who is sitting just right to Prakash?

  A.  Manu
  B.  Charu
  C.  Pari
  D.  Varun
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126. If P is sitting second to the left of S and Q is sitting thrid to the right of R.T sits immediate right of S.Q is not on immediate right or left of S.who is sitting on the immediate right of R?

  A.  S
  B.  P
  C.  T
  D.  Q
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127. Five children are standing in a row.O is third form M who is standingleft of N, and P is on the left of Q who is fourth from N.what is the position of P from right?

  A.  Third
  B.  Second
  C.  Fourth
  D.  First
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128. P,Q,R,S and T are sitting in a straight line facing North.P sits next to S but not to T.Q is sitting next to R who sits on the extreme left corner.who sits to the left of S if T does not sit next to Q?

  A.  T
  B.  Q
  C.  R
  D.  P
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129. Five people P,Q,R,S and E are sitting in a row facing you such that S is on the left of R and Q is on the right of E. P is on the right of R and Q is on the left of S. If E occupies a corner position, then who is sitting in the centre?
  A.  P
  B.  Q
  C.  S
  D.  R
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130. A,B,C,D,E and F are sitting around the round table with equal distances.F is sitting opposite to E and between A and D.c is sitting to the right side of E and opposite to A.who are the neighbours of A?

  A.  B and F
  B.  E and F
  C.  E and C
  D.  F and D
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