91. The oil in wick of lamp rises due to
  A.  Pheonomenon of capillarity
  B.  Pressure difference
  C.  Low viscosity of oil
  D.  Force of cohesion
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92. Certain substances loose their electrical resistance completely at super low temperature. such substances are called
  A.  Semi conductors
  B.  Super conductors
  C.  Dielectrics
  D.  Perfect conductors
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93. It is easier for a man to swim in sea water, thean in rive rwater because
  A.  the density of sea water is lesser than the desnsity of river water
  B.  the sea is deeper than the river
  C.  the density of sea water is more than the density of river water
  D.  the sea is wider than the river
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94. In the remote control of television, electromagnetic waves used are
  A.  Ultraviolet
  B.  Microwave
  C.  Infrared
  D.  Radiowave
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95. Convex mirrors are used as a rear view mirror in motor cycles because
  A.  it forms smaller image as compared with object
  B.  it form erect (upright) image
  C.  it forms real image
  D.  All of the above
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96. If cream is removed from milk, its density
  A.  may increase or decrease
  B.  decreases
  C.  remains the same
  D.  increases
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97. A drop of liquid assumes spherical shape because:
  A.  a sphere hast he least surface ara for a given volume
  B.  intermolecular forces are strong in liquids
  C.  a sphere has the largest surface area for a given volume
  D.  inter molecular forces are weak in liquids
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98. When hot liquid is poured into a thich glass tumbler, it cracks becuase glass:
  A.  is a bad conductor of heat so only inner surface expands
  B.  has high temperature coefficient of expansion
  C.  has a very low specific heat
  D.  has low temperature coefficient of expansion
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99. For which of the following substances, the resistance decreases with increase in temperature
  A.  Pure silicon
  B.  Nichrome
  C.  Copper
  D.  Platinum
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100. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity
  A.  Paraffin wax
  B.  Asbestos
  C.  Celluloid
  D.  Mica
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