161. Two stones of unequal masses are throuwn vertically up with the same veloctiy. Which of the following will happen?
  A.  The heavier mass will reach greater height
  B.  both will reach the same height
  C.  The lighter mass will reach greater height
  D.  any of them may reach greater height
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162. The spokes used in the wheel of a bicycle increase its
  A.  moment of inertia
  B.  velocity
  C.  Acceleration
  D.  Momentum
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163. If a boy sitting in a train, which is moving at a constant velocity, throuws a ball straight up into the air, the ball will
  A.  fall in front of him
  B.  fall behind him
  C.  fall at his left side
  D.  fall into his hand
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164. Angle of friction and angle of repose are
  A.  proprtional to ech other
  B.  not equal to each other
  C.  equal to each other
  D.  None of the above
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165. What changes will happen to a bowl of ice and water kept at exactly zero degree celsius?
  A.  All ice will melt
  B.  no change will happen
  C.  all water will become ice
  D.  only some ice will melt
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166. The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of
  A.  longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain
  B.  volume stress to volume strain
  C.  shearing stress to shearing strain
  D.  tensile stress to tensile strain
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167. Which of the following liquids has hte least density?
  A.  Fresh water
  B.  Salt water
  C.  Mercury
  D.  Petrol
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168. ATM stands for
  A.  Automated teller machine
  B.  Automatic teller machine
  C.  Automatic tally machine
  D.  Automated tally mechanism
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169. When a body is taken from earth to moon
  A.  weight changes but mass remains same
  B.  mass changes but weight remains same
  C.  both weight and mass change
  D.  both weight and mass remain same
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170. Pipelines in cold countries often burst in winter, because
  A.  Pipelines expand due to freezing
  B.  temperature of ice is less than that of water
  C.  water freezes and expands in its volume
  D.  Space shuttle
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