81. Purity of a metal cana be determined with the help of
  A.  Pascal's law
  B.  Boyle's law
  C.  Archimedes principle
  D.  Conservation of mass principle
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82. Kepler's law of planetary motion states that the square of the time period is proportional to the
  A.  semi-major axis
  B.  square of the semi-major axis
  C.  cube of the semi-major axis
  D.  forth power of the semi-major axis
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83. Transition ions absorb light in:
  A.  Infrared region
  B.  Ultraviolet region
  C.  Microwave region
  D.  Visible region
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84. Outside of cooking utensiols are generally left black from below because
  A.  It is difficult to clean dailyt
  B.  Black surface is a good conductor of heat
  C.  Black surface is a poor conductor of heat
  D.  Black surface is a good absorber of heat
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85. A small drop of oil spreads over water because:
  A.  Oil has a higher surface tension
  B.  Water has a higher surface tension
  C.  Oil has a higher viscosity
  D.  Water has a higher viscosity
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86. Rocket works on the principle of
  A.  Newton's third Law
  B.  Newtons' second law
  C.  Newton's First Law
  D.  Archimedes principle
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87. The laser is a beam of radiations which are
  A.  Non-coherent and monochromatic
  B.  Coherent and monochromatic
  C.  Non-coherent and non-monochromatic
  D.  Coherent and non-monochromatic
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88. When a stone is thrown in the calm water of a pond the waves produced on the surface of water in the pond are
  A.  Longitudinal
  B.  Transverse
  C.  Both longitudinal and transverse
  D.  Waves are not produced
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89. Instrument used to study the behaviour of a vibrating string is:
  A.  Barometer
  B.  Hydrometer
  C.  Hygrometer
  D.  Sonometer
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90. The device used for measuring the wavelength of X rays is
  A.  GM Counter
  B.  Cyclotron
  C.  Bragg Spectrometer
  D.  Mass Spectrometer
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