51. The period of revolution of a certain planet in an orbit of radius R is T. Its period of revolution in an orbit of radius 4R will be:
  A.  2√2 T
  B.  4 T
  C.  8 T
  D.  2 T
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52. When temperature difference between liquid and its surroundings is doubled, the rate of loss of heat will:
  A.  remain same
  B.  four times
  C.  three times
  D.  double
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53. If an electron and photon have the same wavelenght, then they will have the same
  A.  linear momentum
  B.  velocity
  C.  angular momentum
  D.  energy
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54. For which one of the following'Diades' are generally used for?
  A.  Amplification
  B.  Rectification
  C.  Modulation
  D.  Filtration
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55. The SI unit of luminous emittance is:
  A.  Lumen second
  B.  Candela
  C.  Lumen
  D.  Lux
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56. SI unit of Magnetic flux is:
  A.  Weber
  B.  weber/m
  C.  weber/m4
  D.  weber-m2
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57. If density of oxygen is 16 times that of hydrogen, what will be their corresponding ratio of velocity of sound?
  A.  4 : 1
  B.  2 : 1
  C.  1 : 4
  D.  1 : 16
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58. Distant objects are visible as a little out of focus in this condition:
  A.  presbiopia
  B.  myopia
  C.  astigmatism
  D.  hypermetropia
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59. In which region of electromagnetic spectrum does the Lyman series of hydrogen atom lie?
  A.  Visible
  B.  Infrated
  C.  X-ray
  D.  Ultraviolet
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60. Blowing air with open pipe is an example of:
  A.  Isothermal process
  B.  Isochroric process
  C.  Isobaric process
  D.  Adiabatic process
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