61. Pank's constant has the dimensions of:
  A.  force
  B.   linear momentum
  C.  angular momentum
  D.  energy
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62. Which of the following phenomenon helps to conclude that light is a transverse wave?
  A.  interference
  B.  Diffraction
  C.  Polarisation
  D.  Total internal reflection
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63. The abbreviation LHC stands for which machine?
  A.  Light Heat Collider
  B.  Large Hadron Collider
  C.  Long Heavy Collider
  D.  Largh High Collider
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64. When number of turns in a coil is trippled, without any changeing the lenght of coil, its self inductance becomes:
  A.  nine times
  B.  three times
  C.  six times
  D.  one-third
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65. The intensity ratio of waves is 25 : 9. What is the ratio of their amplitudes?
  A.  50 : 18
  B.  25 : 9
  C.  5 : 3
  D.  3 : 5
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26. A bullet of mass 'm' and velocity 'a' is fired in to a large block of wood of mass 'M'.The final velocity of the system is
m / m + M
M / m + M
m + M / m
m + M / M
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27. Which of the following colour of light deviates least through the prism?
  A.  Yellow
  B.  Red
  C.  Violet
  D.  Green
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28. The rice is cooked more quickly in a pressure cooker because
  A.  it is covered
  B.  Less quantity of water is used
  C.  None of these
  D.  water boils at a higher temperature under pressure
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29. Hertz is a unit for measuring
  A.  Intensity of waves
  B.  Wavelength
  C.  Frequency of waves
  D.  Clarity of waves
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30. Total internal reflction can not take place when light goes form
  A.  Water to glass
  B.  Glass to water
  C.  Water to air
  D.  Glass to air
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