31. When we see an object, the image formed on the retina is
  A.  Real and inverted
  B.  Real and erect
  C.  Virtual and erect
  D.  Virtual and inverted
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32. Sun appears red in colour at Sunrise and sunset due to
  A.  the fact that sun emits only red colour at that time
  B.  that all other colours scatter away except red
  C.  that sun comes out of the mountains
  D.  red light having longer wave length scatters away
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33. If there were no gravity, whcih of the following will not be there for a fluid?
  A.  Viscosity
  B.  Upward Thrust
  C.  Pressure
  D.  Surface Tension
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34. The spring balance works on the principle of
  A.  Hooke's Law
  B.  Boyle's Law
  C.  Bernoulli's principle
  D.  Pascal's Law
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35. Which phenomenon is responsible for the echo of sound wave?
  A.  Refraction
  B.  Reflection
  C.  Interference
  D.  Polarisation
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36. Which of the following is not true about X-rays?
  A.  have low penetrating power
  B.   travel with the speed of light
  C.  can be reflected or refracted
  D.  can affect photographic plates
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37. Where do the electrical charges reside in a charged conductor?
  A.  at the core
  B.  throughtout the body
  C.  depended upon the nature of the body
  D.  outer surface of the body
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38. The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale?
  A.  32°C
  B.  100°C
  C.  0°C
  D.  212°C
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39. A man standing close to the platform at a railway station experiences a pulling force towards a fast moving train because of______________.
  A.  gravitational force between train and man
  B.  pressure difference due to fast moving air in between
  C.  the centripetal force
  D.  illusion of the man
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40. What type of lens is used to correct vision oof a person suffering from Myopia?
  A.  Concave lens
  B.  Convex lens
  C.  Crossed lencs
  D.  Cylindrical lens
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