191. When a coat /blanket is beaten by a stick, the dust particles are removed it is a example of:
  A.  Rolling friction
  B.  Law of inertia
  C.  Static friction
  D.  Moment of force
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192. In ____________________ motion, direction of velocity changes continously while speed of the body remains unchanged.
  A.  Circular
  B.  Rolling
  C.  Uniform circular
  D.  Non circular
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193. Mass, speed volume, work, time, power and energy are the example of _____________ quantities
  A.  Both B & C
  B.  Vector
  C.  Tensor
  D.  Scalar
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194. Displacement, velocity, acceleartion, froce, momenum and torque are examples of ____________________ quantities.
  A.  Vector
  B.  Scalar
  C.  Tensor
  D.  Both A & B
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195. The rate of change in momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force on the body and takes place in the direction force. It is:
  A.  Newton's first law of motion
  B.  Newton's third law of motion
  C.  Newton's second law of motion
  D.  None of the above
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196. The force of friction which is introduced when there is no relative motion is called:
  A.  Static friction
  B.  Static friction
  C.  Rolling friction
  D.  Neutral friction
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197. Rolling friction is _________________ than the kinetic friction.
  A.  smaller
  B.  bigger
  C.  much bigger
  D.  much smaller
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198. The external force required to maintain the circular motion of the body is called:
  A.  Centrifugal force
  B.  Moment of force
  C.  Centripetal force
  D.  Uniform circular force
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199. The ______________ drives the object away from the centre.
  A.  centrifugal force
  B.  Centripetal force
  C.  Moment of force
  D.  Uniform circular force
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200. Motion of planets around the sun or motion of electron around the nucleus in an atom is an example of:
  A.  centrifugal force
  B.  centripetal force
  C.  centripetal force
  D.  Centripetal force
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