131. The four stroke petrol engine is based on
  A.  Carnot cycle
  B.  Otto cycle
  C.  Diesel cycle
  D.  Boyle's cycle
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132. Waves that are required for long distance wireless communication are
  A.  Infrared rays
  B.  Ultraviolet rays
  C.  Radio waves
  D.  Microwaves
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133. An athlete runs before long jump to get advantage on
  A.  Principle of moments
  B.  Frictional force
  C.  Moment of force
  D.  Inertia of motion
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134. In refrigerator, the colling systeem should always be
  A.  at the bottom
  B.  at the top
  C.  at the middle
  D.  can be anywhere
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135. It is easier to carry two buckets of water in one hand each, than to carry only one in one hand because
  A.  weights of buckets are balanced
  B.  centre of gravity falls within the body
  C.  centre of gravity and centre of equilibrium fall within the feet
  D.  Resultant weight of buckets is zero
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136. Which of the following liquids is most viscous?
  A.  Milk
  B.  Oil
  C.  Water
  D.  Petrol
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137. The wall of a dam is broader at the base
  A.  because streamlining is required
  B.  to withstand pressure that is increased wtih atomspheric pressure
  C.  to withstand pressure thant increases in a horizonal plane
  D.  to withstand pressure that increase with depth
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138. The device whihcc transfer the signal from low resistance region to high resistance region is
  A.  diode
  B.  Capacitor
  C.  Transistor
  D.  Inductor
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139. steam at 100° C causes more severe burns than water at 100° because
  A.  steam has latent heat of vaporisation
  B.  steam has no specific heat capacity
  C.  water has no specific heat capacity
  D.  water has latent heat of fusion
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140. A photostat machine works on
  A.  Electromagnetic image making
  B.  Electrostatic image making
  C.  Magnetic image making
  D.  Thermal image making
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