11. The fuse in an electric circuit is conncted in
  A.  series with live
  B.  parallel to live
  C.  parallel to neutral
  D.  series with neutral
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12. Hydraulic brakes in automobile work on
  A.  Pposeuille's principle
  B.   Pascal's principle
  C.  Archimedes' principle
  D.  Bernoulili's principle
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13. Vegetables are cooked in lesser time by adding a pinch of slat while cooking beacuase
  A.  latent heat of vaporization of water increases
  B.  latent heat of vaporization of water decreases
  C.  boiling point of water increases
  D.  boiling point of water decreases
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14. Acceleration is
  A.  Directly proportional to mass
  B.  Inversely proportional to mass
  C.  inversely proportional to force
  D.  Directly proportional to force
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15. The group of solar cells joined together in a definite pattern is called a
  A.  Solar cell pannel
  B.  Solar heater
  C.  Solar cooker
  D.  Battery
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16. The reverse effect of X-ray emission is
  A.  Raman effect
  B.  Compton effect
  C.  Zeeman Effect
  D.  Photoelectric
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17. Transformer is a device to convert
  A.  Low voltage A.C into high voltage A.C
  B.  D.C to A.C
  C.  Low voltage D.C into high voltage D.C
  D.  Mechanical energy into electrical energy
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18. On a cold day when the room temperature is 15° C, the metalic cap of a pen becomes much colder than its plastic body., though both are at the same temperature of 15° because:
  A.  metals are good conductors o fheat
  B.  plastics have a lower diensity than metals
  C.  metals have higher thermal capacity than plastics
  D.  plastics have a higher thermal conductivity than metals
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19. Absolute zero is defined as
  A.  At which water boils at 298K
  B.  The temperature at which all molecular motion creases
  C.  At which liquuid Helium boils
  D.  At which the volume becomes zero
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20. During the motion of a projectile fired from the earth surface,________________.
  A.  Its kinetic energy remains constant
  B.  its momentuim remains constant
  C.  vertical component of its velocity remains constant
  D.  horizontal component of its velocity remains constant
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