71. The first law of thermodynamics is simply the case of
  A.  Charle's law
  B.  Newton's law of cooling
  C.  The law o fheat exchange
  D.  the law of conservation of energy
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72. An electron microscope gives higher magnifications than an optical microscope because:
  A.  The velocity of electrons is smaller than that of light
  B.  The wavelength of electrons is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible light
  C.  The electrons have more energy than the light particulars
  D.  The electron microscope uses more powerful lenses
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73. A man in a trian moving with constant velocity drops a ball on the platform. The path of the ball as seen by an observer standing on the platform is
  A.  A straight line
  B.  A circle
  C.  A parabola
  D.  None of these
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74. If a body moves with a constant speed on a circle
  A.  no work is done on it
  B.  no force acts on it
  C.  no acceleration is produced in it
  D.  its velocity remains constant
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75. A man standing at the top of a tower has two spheres A and B. He drops sphera A downwards and trhrows spher B horizontal at the same time. Which of the following is correct?
  A.  Both the spheres will reach athe ground simultaneously
  B.  A will reach the ground first
  C.  B will reach the ground first
  D.  The question is incomplete becasue the masses of the spheres are not given
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76. Which of these waves can be polarized?
  A.  Sound waves in air
  B.  Longitudinal waves on a string
  C.  Transverse waves on a string
  D.  Light waves
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77. A needle or a pin floats on surface of water because of
  A.  Surface tension
  B.  Surface energy
  C.  Viscosity
  D.  Adhesive force
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78. The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to
  A.  total energy of the pendulum
  B.  Kinetic energy of the pendulum
  C.  potentioal energy of the pendulum
  D.  Zero
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79. Stationary wave is formed by
  A.  a transverse wave superposing a longitudinal wave
  B.  two waves of the same speed superposing
  C.  two waves of same frequency travelling in the same direction
  D.  two waves of same frequency travellin the the opposite direction
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80. If both the mass and the velocity of a body is increased to twice of their magnitude, the kinetic energy will increase by
  A.  2 times
  B.  4 times
  C.  8 times
  D.  16 times
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