121. A copper disc has a hole. If the disc is heated, the size of the hole
  A.  First increases and then decreases
  B.  decreases
  C.  No change
  D.  increases
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122. Heat stored in water vapour is
  A.  Specific heat
  B.  Absolute heat
  C.  Latent heat
  D.  Relative heat
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123. A bullet is fired from a rifle whihc recoils after firing. The ratio of kinetic energy of the rifle to that of the bullet is
  A.  One
  B.  Zero
  C.  Less than one
  D.  More than one
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124. A bomb at rest explodes into a large number of tiny fragments. The total momentum of all the fragments
  A.  is zero
  B.  depends on the total mass of all the fragments
  C.  depends on the speeds of various fragments
  D.  is infinity
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125. In mirrors the back surface is coated with a think layer of
  A.  Mercury
  B.  Red oxide
  C.  Silver
  D.  Silver nitrate
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126. A devicce which is used to limit the current in an electrical curciit is called a
  A.  Fuse
  B.  Grid
  C.  Hub
  D.  Conductor
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127. The sharpness of a television image is termed as its
  A.  Clarity
  B.  Resolution
  C.  Colour
  D.  Graphics
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128. The resistance of the human body (dry condition) is of the order of
  A.  103 Ohm
  B.  102 Ohm
  C.  107 Ohm
  D.  105 Ohm
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129. Bats can sense obstacles because they produce
  A.  Supersonic sound waves
  B.  Infrasonic sound waves
  C.  Ultrasonic sound waves
  D.  Micro sound waves
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130. A pilot has to release the bomb to hit a target
  A.  Before the target
  B.  Beyond the target
  C.  Right above the target
  D.  None of these
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